House Rules Home World: Pleasure Worlds

By Moonshine Fox, in Dark Heresy House Rules

Pleasure World

Most worlds in the Imperium are bleak worlds, filled with teaming masses, rampant pollution, or outright war. Some however, are beautiful to behold. From carefully managed gardens and forests, to cities filled with music halls, gambling dens, and brothels. Visits to such worlds are rewards for exceptional servants of the Emperor. To those raised on such a world, they are trained in all manner of arts and pleasurable service. Dark shadows however often lurk in such places. Underworlds where even the most illicet good can be found to pleasure cults worshiping the Prince of Pleasure.

Pleasure World Rules

A Pleasure World character applies the

following benefits during character creation:

Characteristic modifiers

+ Fellowship, + Perception, – Willpower

Those raised on Pleasure worlds are trained to be outgoing and friendly, but also keep a weather eye for the dark things that lurk in the underworld. It's hard to hold out against the constant temptation that surround them.

Fate threshold

2 (Emperor’s Blessing 6+)

Home World Bonus

A Friend with Shuttered Eyes : When using the charm skill, pleasure worlders do not suffer penalties from being of strange dress or appearance. They also gain +10 bonus to resist Charm attempts made on them.

Home World Aptitude



A Pleasure World character starts with 8+1d5 wounds.

Recommended Backgrounds

Adeptus Administratum, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Mechanicus, Outcast