Ready all exausted cards- this do not apply to warlords? It seems that they keep the exausted state
Exausted units
All includes Warlords. Warlords are still cards and units.
Now i am confused because it seems that sometimes the warlords arrive at planets exausted
Edited by MEGAEINSTEINRRG page 24 warlord units arrive at the chosen planet ready or exausted
Edited by MEGAEINSTEINWarlords normally arrive ready at a planet unless exhausted previously by some sort of an effect. Army units that move with the warlord will be exhausted upon arrival.
Warlords are still units they are just Warlord units as opposed to Army units.
A Warlord may arrive exhausted if you used a card effect to exhaust it during the Deploy phase. For example:
I play a card during Deployment which deals damage to another unit. You shield that damage. I play No Mercy, which requires me to exhaust a unique unit. I choose to exhaust my Warlord. When the Warlord commits, they are still exhausted, and so will arrive at the planet in this state.