Remedial Gamers over here

By gravyface2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey everyone,

Wifey and I are total noobs at this sort of thing. Played D&D 30 years ago, so apparently I'm supposed to know this...

Anyways, we're playing First Blood, and Grisban's Heroic Feat says, "Use during your turn to perform 1 attack action. This is in addition to your 2 actions on your turn. "

Also, the Hero Turn Summary card says "Perform 2 actions": it doesn't state whether or not an action can be repeated.

What's also curious is that in the manual, it mentions that the Stand-up action is the only action that be performed in a turn, but yet the "helpful" Hero Summary Card implies that you can perform any two actions, including Stand-up, so going by the card, I could Stand-up and then Rest... or perhaps attack twice?

Kind of confused; wine isn't helping.

Edited by gravyface

Heroes can do the same action twice. Monsters can only perform one attack a round.

Disregard the two action thing on Grisben's heroic feat. It doesn't take an action to activate, so in reality it should basically read as "once per encounter during your turn, perform an attack that does not require an action".

The Stand Up action is an exception: declaring a stand up action ends your turn immediately, so you cannot perform a second action later this turn. If, for some weird reason, you were knocked out on your own turn after your first action but before your second action, you could still perform a Stand Up action.

Ah, ok.

So my wife the Overlord could burn two moves per Goblin per turn and cruise out of the map fairly quickly (like two turns), but she can only attack once as she's controlling monsters.

Thanks, I'm sure we'll be back.

Wow and she whipped my derriere sumfin fierce.

She blocked my heroes (poor choice, thought the Thief would be cool kitty-corner behind Grisben, soppin' up the Search tokens 3 blocks away, dishing health, etc. and dodging ranged attacks, but all she did was block access to the Goblins who can now blow out the exit in two turns.

Total slaughter. Only did like 6 damage.

If you were playing only 2 heroes, that's not a surprise. The game balance swing drastically in the OL's favour in a game of 2 heroes. 3 heros swings in the heroes favour. The most balanced game is the 4 hero game.

Edited by Alarmed