A little more central Imperium than anything OW is likely to usually reference, I grant, and I'm about to talk about Space Marines here, rather than the DW threads, but please bear with me? Why aren't there Space Marines on Cadia? I accept that, in some ways, Astartes are not so well equipped to perform long siege campaigns, where they are the besieged, but Cadia is one of the most important worlds in the Imperium, if you prefer Abaddon to retain his "Failbaddon" moniker. As the 13th Black Crusade tried to show, before it sort of got erased?, much of the Imperium can be brought down by the simple acquisition of one planet by the Ruinous Powers.
Now, I love the Cadians, and they are, bar none, my favorite regiment, for some reason, and I know that practically everything on their world is directed toward the repulsion of invasion by unholy monsters, but they are still JUST Guardsmen, mortals with cardboard armor, oversized flashlights, and some Lemans. Why, in all the history of the Imperium, did no one found a Space Marine Chapter on this vital world? If Abaddon DOES attack, as he occasionally appears to attempt, when he gets the itch, he's likely to hit the planet with LOTS of CSMs, from his own Chapter, probably some Word Bearers, and almost definitely an assortment of the the Big Four who directly serve the individual Ruinous Powers, as his position uniquely seems to allow him to make World Eaters, Plague Marines, Emp's Kids, and Thousand Sons be able to sit in a room, and cooperate.
When you can come out with ships, hordes of Cultists, and enough Chaos Space Marines to put on a convincing recreation of the Heresy's invasion of Holy Terra (and Creed is awesome, but a poor stand-in for the Emperor in the climax), it seems unlikely that JUST the Cadian Interior Guard and Kasrkin will be enough to repel them; one might think it would be good to have a set of Astartes there, to shore it up, supply inspiration and leadership,or what have you. Sure, they could fall to Chaos, like their brothers once did, but so could've the Cadian Council, before it burned. Cadia has great soldiers, so one would think that the Space Marines there would have some decent gene-stock to pick from.
Granted, maybe there IS an Ultramarines or Imperial Fists Watch Fortress, and/or an Inquisitorial Bastion there, and I just don't know it, but why is the safety of the planet seemingly left to the mortals on it? Time to ferry Inquisitors, henchmen, ships, and Space Marines there might be time you don't have.
Of course, the fact that Cadia is still there, and mostly held by the Cadians, should speak well to their ability to do just what I'm wondering at, so maybe I'm looking too much into this. Go Cadians!!!