No Atomic War...

By BrashFink, in Zombie Apocalypse

Of course the one setting I would like, there is no plans for. Not all out war but a partial, services are out, communications down, mass confusion, banks not working, social upheaval, every man for himself type thing... Like the TV show Jericho or something.

Same, well more of a Fallout vibe, but they said in the Zombie book there will be material for surviving after the government decides to nuke the zombies. Creating radioactive zombies in the process.

However any apocalypse scenario does these things, services will go out, communications will be down or spotty, confusion will happen.

In my eyes, this could be perfectly and completely narrative, a good chance to make the characters role play better.

Example, the area around them has been affected by radiation, so before they leave a safe house or building they must take the time to describe the fact they are putting on radiation suits, if not they start to suffer immediate damage after leaving the building, if they survive, well they come down with a. Radiation based illness. Now every game he loses one point if hp permanently, unless he gets the proper treatment and medication and also suffers negative effects on dice rolls when it comes to talking to

Npcs and bluffing because of his now affected exterior. Ur loss of hair, skin color and eyes glassing over and the likes.

Also I would when running a game set a timer to go off every thirty minutes to hour, this would indicate the radiations effects on the weather and other things like maybe, acid rain, or the sky just randomly blacks out side the players to be left in darkness. It's sometimes easy to be creative if your not supplied with everything.

Well, while there may be no plan to put a Atomic War suppliment, it's not like any halfway competent GM couldn't do it on his own. If you like the basic game system and character creation system for Zombie Apocalypse , then all you have to do is fill in the scenarios and there have been plenty of post nuke games done that you can cheerfully use for the setting. Anything from the more serious Twilight:2000 to a full gonzo like Gamma World .

I wouldn't make the assumption that there is no nuclear holocaust written into the books, in fact its likely that given that each book has several versions of the pre and post apocalypse that each of these books has a "humanity solves it with nukes" pre-curser to the post apocalypse of the scenario hence a whole extra book on the specifics of a nuclear end would not be necessary. For example Its feasible that in one of the scenarios of the Zombie book, the zombies take over and someone decides to push the button to end it. Not only feasible but a likely method of dealing with anyone of the apocalypse RPG back stories.

You have to recognize that what these writers/developers are doing with this role-playing game is really the future of role-playing as a whole. Rather then driven by mechanics or unrelated "adventures", its driven by specific scenarios in a specific settings with a high level of dynamic "do it yourself" openness. There are a number of games in development right now that are following along those lines, even D&D did it by releasing an initial adventure with a 2nd part immediately after it, in essence an epic scenario in a specific setting for D&D rather then creating a mechanic/system thats serviced by random short story adventure modules with no connection and abstract "default" world.

I think this is a very healthy approach because of how role-players approach games these days. There is less time for preparation and writing, but more importantly less tolerance for complex mechanics. Players and GM's alike are looking for more "out of the box" fun.

The setting, rules (for both GM's and players) and the story all in a single book... I personally think this is exactly where role-playing needs to go.

My want is a full scale martial law setting. The non-zombie half (or two-thirds really) of The Last of Us. Or something in the vein of This War of Mine.

I think there are a number of similar settings for this system, not all of them necessarily apocalyptic in nature.

The probable effects and aftermath of a nuclear war are easily enough researched. Many of us who were gaming PA in the early eighties researched fallout plumes, radiation poisoning and more for our games. Zombies may actually be easier to survive. At least when the zombies are killed the infrastructure left behind is still usuable and repairable, nuclear hot zones will likely remain so for years, especially with current high yield weapons.

Given the base rules from any End of the World book it should be simplicity to set up a martial law setting, or a post nuclear exchange, or climate change, pandemic or what ver disaster you like. Warday and Nature's End are a pair of novels that give a good start to this sort of world building.

My want is a full scale martial law setting. The non-zombie half (or two-thirds really) of The Last of Us. Or something in the vein of This War of Mine.

Yeah, the Post-Apocalypse sections for "The Night of the Meteor" and "Under the Skin" pretty much outlines the settings you describe.

My want is a full scale martial law setting. The non-zombie half (or two-thirds really) of The Last of Us. Or something in the vein of This War of Mine.

I think there are a number of similar settings for this system, not all of them necessarily apocalyptic in nature.

Really though, something like this (post human-caused apocalypse) should be real easy to homebrew. Dream up the status of everything as you want it and go to town.