A few questions if I may...

By Papa Midnight, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest - Rules Questions

1- How is Initiative determined at the start of the game?

2- MUST a player commit their Warlord each round? (can I decide NOT to commit my Warlord and keep him/her at HQ?)

3- Can a player "surrender" at any point in the game? (can I, while playing, simply state that I surrender and lose the game or match?)

Thanks gents. :)

1. Randomly.

2. It must be committed.

3. Same as any other game on the planet I guess ...

Edited by PBrennan

On #1 - I use a d6 dice to determine initiative. Each player rolls, highest gets to choose to go first or second.

Well if we're spelling it out, it just takes one roll ... odds I go first, evens you.

Well if we're spelling it out, it just takes one roll ... odds I go first, evens you.

But I roll the die. (and I get a re-roll if I don't like the first roll) :P

Edited by Papa Midnight

1) We flip the commitment-dial-skull-thingy. Heads or tails. One guy flips, one guy calls it.

3) Surrendering is sometimes a valid option. No need to waste an extra few minutes refreshing everyone 2 or 3 times over during the last big battle if/when you can clearly see that you will end up losing. Better to just call it a game and get started on the rematch!

Regarding 3)

Or, you fight to the bitter end like a Warlord.

I have seen several battles that I thought was lost - turn into victories, it is rare but it does happen.

And it feels epic when it does.

Regarding 3)

Yeah - I didn't mean to imply you should wuss out but I've been in a few occasions where:

Both people have played their shield cards earlier in the round and/or have no money and/or no cards with abilities in play will help swing the tide. Player 1 has 3 units: 1 with say 2/9, another with 1/4, another with 2/3. The other player has 3 with 1/2, 2/3, 2/2. You can look at the table and do the math, knowing you won't knock off that 2/9 death wing guard before he wears you down to a nub.

In a situation like this, and only a situation like this, would I surrender. Otherwise, yes - fight to the bitter end like a Warlord would! ;)

Sorry, I have another card question.

Honored Librarian.

Can someone please explain how his ability works?

Thanks. :)

Honored Librarian can not be the target of an opponents attack at a planet so long as there are other units at that planet.

So if you had a Librarian and say, 3 Sicarius's Chosen at a planet, your opponent could not attack the Librarian until he killed off all the Chosen first.

Now, if you have 2 or 3 copies of the Librarian at a planet where a battle is happening, and no other units there, then any/all Librarians are fair game to attack. His ability only works so long as their are other units (that aren't copies of him) at the planet.

He cannot be attacked as long as there are other friendly units at the planet. Unless the only other unit is another Honored Librarian.

It is worded a little strangely because of the "Honored Librarians don't protect each other" bit.

Edited by ktom

Do remember that Honored Librarians are only protected from being attacked. They're susceptible to direct damage or AE or other ways to damage them.

He cannot be attacked as long as there are other friendly units at the planet. Unless the only other unit is another Honored Librarian.

That is what I was thinking; in that if another HL was on the planet, what would be the options to attack them?

Gents, thanks for the quick replies. :)

He cannot be attacked as long as there are other friendly units at the planet. Unless the only other unit is another Honored Librarian.

That is what I was thinking; in that if another HL was on the planet, what would be the options to attack them?

Gents, thanks for the quick replies. :)

Is it just two Honored Librarians by themselves? Then either can be attacked.

Is there a third unit? Then it must be attacked, until it is no longer at the planet (it retreats, it's destroyed, it's routed, etc etc). Once it's gone (and assuming no new units enter the battle at the planet through Ambush or Drop Pod Assault), either HL is fair game.

He cannot be attacked as long as there are other friendly units at the planet. Unless the only other unit is another Honored Librarian.

That is what I was thinking; in that if another HL was on the planet, what would be the options to attack them?

Gents, thanks for the quick replies. :)

Is it just two Honored Librarians by themselves? Then either can be attacked.

Is there a third unit? Then it must be attacked, until it is no longer at the planet (it retreats, it's destroyed, it's routed, etc etc). Once it's gone (and assuming no new units enter the battle at the planet through Ambush or Drop Pod Assault), either HL is fair game.

As long as any other friendly unit is there, Honored Librarians be it one, two or three of them cannot be attacked.

Yep, but my Flamers can still try to snipe them. ;)

Yep, but my Flamers can still try to snipe them. ;)

Ummmm, how?

If a Unit can NOT be attacked, wouldn't sniping them (through the Flamers ability to cause damage upon sacrifice) be a form of attack? :mellow:

EDIT: I believe that you were responding to the post above, and as such you are saying that you can Snipe if there are more friendly (enemy) units on the planet.

Edited by Papa Midnight

Flamer's sacrifice is not an attack.

Attack is a specific action, which the Librarian prevents (while with friends), but other forms of damage and targeting are certainly fair game.

Flamers are a good bet, but so is area effect damage or event/action effects.