First session in our first RtL campaign. Against the Lich King

By wujenta, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Against the Lich King, Session 1

We just started our first RtL campaign and as I liked a lot reading about other campaigns, I´ll do the same and tell you about our adventures.

The party was composed of:

Nanok the Blade with Ox Tatoo (this is my hero), axe and several potions
Grey Kerr with Master Archer, chain mail, crossbow, and potions
Landrec the Wise with Wild Talent, Sunburst and Ghost armor
Silhouette with Eagle eye, throwing knives, leather armor and potions

• Week one

The OL started sending his lieutenant in way to Dawnsmoor and we started our trip going to RiverWatch to get some treasures as the city is well known for his great market. On our way we didn’t have any encounter and entered the dungeon.

o Dungeon level 1: the first dungeon was number 23, the Pit Fiend and was a tough one, the overlord moved well all the razorwings and we had a hard time hitting them. In top of that , he got some priest to help and some sorcerers too…he was lucky to have Danger in his first hand, so with the starting conquest as sorcerer king and the conquest he received during play he was able to really hurt us. Finally we managed to kill the leader and went deep in the dungeon…
o Dungeon Level 2: as the first dungeon was good for the OL, the second one was easier for us… it was lvl 30 Stuck in the middle and the OL here didn’t have any luck, as the 2 master skeletons died and stayed dead… the other monster were not a problem …except the 2 blood apes he brought for help…they hit hard and that leap ability is nasty.
o Dungeon Level 3: didn’t care what number was, think the OL told me it included a giant and other nasty creatures and we were in bad shape… the overlord had 21 conquest points at this time and we had 15 (1 for exploring, 6 for glyphs, 6 for 3 bosses and 2 for the chests in the dungeons, as we didn’t get any magic item in them) so I told the other players to flee the dungeon so the OL can´t upgrade his monster to silver for the next dungeon.

So we ended week one with the following score

OL: 21 conquest
Heroes: 15 conquest

• Week two

The OL spent some of his hard earned XP in buying his second lieutenant for 5 XP and move closer to Dawnsmoor his first one and send in the same direction his just bought one. We arrived at Riverwatch and some visited the market, other went for a little healing (emphasis in little as the temple is not a good one) and other went to the tavern to get a rumor. The 5 objects that showed up at the market were all good… at least some luck, as we didn’t find any item in the 2 dungeon levels we did last week. We picked the boat too so we can sail now, but we spend all the money doing so. The rumor was a good one too, X Marks the spot. Perhaps we will wait to go there until silver to get a new and good weapon as soon as we hit the silver part of the campaign.

So we ended week two with the following score

OL: 22 conquest (5 spent)
Heroes: 15 conquest

• Week three

The OL reached Dawnsmoor with his first lieutenant, moved the second one near to Dawnsmoor too and finally bought Alissa (5 xp) as his third lieutenant and send her in the same direction as the other 2… meanwhile we started our journey to Vynelvale, as there are some skill there we wanted. Again there was no encounter during the road (I wanted one… we need money for the skills and dice upgrades we are planning to buy) and reached the dungeon.

o Dungeon level 1: the first level was an easy one now that we have magic weapons… it was dungeon number 3, the Dragon´s lair and we beat him fairly easy… the only disappointing thing was that there was not a single pile of gold in the level…what kind of dragon don’t have piles of gold to sleep over them…? There were 2 chests, and both of them gave a magic item. We got here 6 conquest (1 for exploring, 3 for the glyph and 2 for the dragon)

We have been playing for nearly 6 hours and didn’t want to start a new dungeon lvl so we agree to leave it as we were and continue in 2 weeks. The final conquest totals were:

Overlord: 30 (spent 10 already)
Heroes: 21

As I was writing the report at home, I noticed we made a mistake, as we continued our trip to Riverwatch and we should have returned to Tamalir, as we had not completed the dungeon… as I told it to our OL, we agree that we continue as we were and do not make the same mistake again.

For now it has been difficult, but now that we have magic weapons should be more easy for us... at least until the OL uograde his eldrtich monsters to silver...

See you in a few days

I knew I was forgeting something...

The OL is doing the Ascension Plot and he has picked with his 15 starting points the following:

Big Trouble