So, maybe it's only me, but doesn't Sword Brother seem a little... underpowered?
I'm GM'ing a session when one of my players is a Black Templar Tactical. He plans to take Sword Brother on rank 4, which is climatic and fun. He doesn't really care about power level, fortunately, so he's going to take him no matter what.
But, compared to Deathwatch Champion, Sword Brethren looks realy weak. I know, Champion requires Renown and 4000 xp, but to be honest, at rank 4 you propably have 40 or more Renown anyway; and even if you don't it's better to wait and take him a little later than take Sword Brother.
Chapion has Dodge+20, Assasin Strike, Blademaster, Ligthning Attack (which, combined with Blademaster, is a terrible combo), Step Aside AND Wall of Steel, Swift Attack (altough with Lightning Attack it doesn't matter anyway), and 2x Signature Wargear: Hero. He also gets power sword and combat shield for free.
In comparison, Sword Brother has Counter-Attack, Bolter Drill, Sound Constitution, Hatred, Berserk Charge. No Swift Attack, so if you took Tactical instead of Assault, you have problem. No Combat Master, Combat Formation, Hammerblow, Precise Strike, Blademaster, Wall of Steel, anything.
Does anyone else have feeling that Sword Brother needs some buff?
Also, another question. How powerful Librarians are? I banned Smite, becouse it's obviously too powerful (at least for me). Is there anything else I should now about Librarians in DW, or any way to balance them?
Also, does anyone have any experience with Iron Hands Psychic Powers? Are they, in practice, game-breaking?
Aaand I'm sorry for any mistakes here, English is not my first language and I'm still not good enough to avoid mistakes in posts, unfortunately.
And by the way, my first post here! Hello, everyone! I'm a noob GM, GM-ing a multi-system game of 40k for about a year now (one campaign for each system, some players overlap, and they all connect to a giant intrigue) and I'm reading this forum every week for last six months.
It's also my first Deathwatch session ever as player or GM, so I'm sure be going to ask for help sometimes. Thanks in advance!
Edited by Alank2