Alpha Squad tries to convince Constantine to surrender himself, but he contends that his fellow soldiers should be allowed to leave. After a brief firefight, the Imperial troopers, APC, and reinforcements from 4th Platoon are eventually able to get the General and what remains of his rebel squad to give up. The squad begins to long trek back to the secured docking arm, expected to take several hours. They send runners out to alert command that they have the enemy commander in their custody.
As they progress to friendly lines, the unit encounters a new change to the corridor - a large chasm in the middle of the passage. The squad begins to construct a bridge to enable the APC to cross, but as they are working on it a Heldrake suddenly rises up from the pit. The infantry weapons prove useless against the flying chaos behemoth, but the carrier's autocannon finally takes it down after a tense engagement. The troopers complete the bridge after an hour and half and then cross over.
Alpha continues to be joined by elements of other friendly units who were scattered through the star fort in the search for Constantine. Unknown to the Imperial forces, however, some of these turn out to be Chaos militia dressed in uniforms stolen from dead comrades. A group of them inside of the APC turn on Constantine suddenly, attempting to kill the rebel General. Alerted to the surprise attack, Yekaterina uses her psychic powers to bodily flip the APC, causing injuries to Constantine and the friendly crew but killing the cultists.
As they approach the last leg of their return trip, the unit is ambushed by Severan Dominate soldiers hidden amidst the upper catwalks overhead. The rebels attempt to reach the APC where Constantine is still being held, but their rescue fails and they are forced to retreat. Alpha brings their prize to the docking bay at the terminus of the captured docking arm, delivering the General to their own officers.
Alpha gets only a brief reprieve before they are told by that there will be a new mission - perhaps the Empire's last desperate bid for control of Lycurgos.