So my group was looking at the Counter Attack talent and there is a confusion as to what the end WS modifier should be. The relevant text is as follows:
Counter Attack:
"...character may immediately make a Standard Attack action as a Free Action...using the weapon with which he Parried. The character suffers a -20 penalty on the Weapon Skill test for this attack."
Standard Attack:
"The active character melee attack by making an Ordinary (+10) Weapon Skill test...Success inflicts one hit on the target"
The question comes down to if the modifiers stack.
On one hand, you make a Standard Attack which gives a +10 to WS and the Counter Attack gives a -20 to WS totaling to -10 WS.
On the other hand, Counter Attack could just force the counter attack roll to be at -20 WS.
Right now I am ruling in favor of the players for it being only -10 WS.