What`s about a traitor-function?

By conphonicer, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I`m a great Descent Fan - and I also like the great Luitenats....but what do you think about a TRAITOR-Function?

A box, with new rules and cards, how I can maybe change a Luitanent, so that he will follow the Heros and support them in their adventure(s)?

Maybe anyone from FFG is interessted in this idea? ;)

Regards from Germany and best wishes ;)

They kind of already did it with Shadow of Nerekhall.

There's also a quest in labyrinth of ruin- Let the Truth be Buried.

So my idea is: not only for one Quest - also for a complete campain....a Luitanent could maybe a traitor because a Hero saves his life or didn`t kill him, so he changes to the side of the good....but If the hero too often use him for their egoistic goals (let him only kill strong Monsters for example) he changes back to evil - and is in his abilities as double bad as he was before...

or a Hero becomes a traitor, because he didn`t trust someone in the group for any reason (because the group has now a Luitanet in the group) , an stil acts in secret....

In Labyrinth of Ruin, you start off by saving a woman's life in the very first quest, and a few other times. She turns out to be the main villain later. You also have an ally who works with you the entire time, who can become possessed and betray you.

In Shadow of Nerekhall, you work with Rylan Olliven at the start. Hell, he even joins you on quests and helps you. He's a huge villain though.

In the Shadow Rune, Baron Zachareth starts out friendly towards you and doesn't reveal himself as the villain until the interlude.

Indeed, something quite similar has already been done. Although it could be fun to convert some Luitenants to Heroes and vice versa :)

I mean, the hero party has some orc members so why not make them "villains"? Could be fun to have One Fist or Mordrog as a Luitenant.

Also some lucrative ideas can be spawn. Imagen allowing for example Reynhart to die only to let him return as Varikas...can be for the force of "good or evil"

Edited by sdh007

How about a traitor function for the heroes? One of the hero members turns on the team and becomes a wildcard who has their own goals. He is not incorporated into the overlord's agenda as a lieutenant, but as a third party so to speak.

Maybe it's too far fetched and I'm thinking about RPG too much but...wouldn't it be cool to have a character/group to make certain choices along the campaign? Every choice will have some benefit but also some downside to it as you go along the way.

Example: if you choose to keep the harvested crops (Rune of Shadows; Fat Goblin) for yourself to make sure you have enough food for the journey, each hero in the party gains +1 health. However the villagers will remember this and won't aid you in the final battle. As if you ditributed the harvested crops to the villagers, for each crop you will gain a villager/warrior in the finale to fight Baron Zacchareth and his little dragon :-)

Just thinking out loud :-)