Has anyone seen these in stores yet? All my stores have the regular Edge of the Empire skills decks, but no Adversary of AoR decks.
Both of my local stores say the Adversary decks are print on demand, not sure about the AoR decks. It's a shame, cause the additional shipping costs make the decks too expensive unless you are buying other things IMO.
Well technically all the card decks are print on demand, however every PoD thing I've gotten from FF (for Star Wars and WFRP, Death Angel etc) I've just got in stores. So some get them, i.e. the skill decks, spells for WFRP etc. I'd be very surprised if this policy has changed. It's not worth shipping these things internationally as the cost is extremely prohibitive.
Edited by Canterbury TailManaged to pick them up in store last week, most of the stores near me received their shipment of them on Thursday along with the AoR talent decks.
I'm really struggling to get them in the UK.
I've contacted FFG about it who said to get my flgs to contact esdevium, the official UK supplier for them, but they keep saying they're out of print and can't be ordered anymore (despite the email from FFG saying they would be able to order them).
It's really frustrating.
Esdevium will not do print on demand, its too small a market share option, for them to waste order processing time on.. FFG really don't get this!
The UK gaming stores will not place orders for non stock lines, because Esdevium are such a crap supplier. Every shop owner I have ever spoken to, be it on line or brick and mortar says the same thing..
Esdevium put out a monthly stock list, they order and then get shipped a "random" selection of what they ordered whilst Esdevium put the remainder on back order which then they fail to fulfil when it does come back into stock, conveniently keeping lots of cash in their account and whilst they do..
Sadly it hasn't' changed since I was a customer of theirs.
FFG really need to look at the demand for the Adversary decks. Do some ship and vehicle decks and scrap the specialisation decks as they just don't seem to be popular. Certainly I wont be buying any of those.
I want resources I can use in a game straight away when the players do interesting things and quick aids to help generate scenarios and plots and scenes.
It is really frustrating indeed.
I can only hope that FFG one day actually listen to their customers!
Esdevium will not do print on demand, its too small a market share option, for them to waste order processing time on.. FFG really don't get this!
The UK gaming stores will not place orders for non stock lines, because Esdevium are such a crap supplier. Every shop owner I have ever spoken to, be it on line or brick and mortar says the same thing..
Esdevium put out a monthly stock list, they order and then get shipped a "random" selection of what they ordered whilst Esdevium put the remainder on back order which then they fail to fulfil when it does come back into stock, conveniently keeping lots of cash in their account and whilst they do..
Sadly it hasn't' changed since I was a customer of theirs.
FFG really need to look at the demand for the Adversary decks. Do some ship and vehicle decks and scrap the specialisation decks as they just don't seem to be popular. Certainly I wont be buying any of those.
I want resources I can use in a game straight away when the players do interesting things and quick aids to help generate scenarios and plots and scenes.
It is really frustrating indeed.
I can only hope that FFG one day actually listen to their customers!
They seem to have a no forum interaction policy for their designer at least, so I guess writing directly to FFG and complain that way should proof to be more effective. And the situation with the german distributor is similar to what you describe for Esdevium. With one big difference. Esdevium is part of Asmodée, which owns FFG. So you are dealing in the UK basically with FFG directly, at least since they merged/ got taken over with/from Asmodée.