[Commission Paintjob] Krayt Fang

By MacrossVF1, in X-Wing

My latest project has been a repaint of a Millennium Falcon to turn it into a Krayt Fang. I must say that the ship is perhaps the most detailed model I've ever painted. In any case, enjoy!





Fantastic! My players plan on selling their Krayt Fang. Otherwise I'd want to repaint my Falcon.

I plan on crashing it so they get nothing.

My latest project has been a repaint of a Millennium Falcon to turn it into a Krayt Fang. I must say that the ship is perhaps the most detailed model I've ever painted. In any case, enjoy!





Fantastic! My players plan on selling their Krayt Fang. Otherwise I'd want to repaint my Falcon.

I plan on crashing it so they get nothing.

Oh I'll be having both - it would just feel wrong to give the MF title card to a ship painted differently.

Fantastic! My players plan on selling their Krayt Fang. Otherwise I'd want to repaint my Falcon.

I plan on crashing it so they get nothing.

I assume this refers to an RPG game? Why would you plan to destroy something to spite them?

Because he's the Dungeon/Gamemaster! Because he can! :)

Crash it? Nah.

I assume there's a specific ship they want to replace it with? Have them be approached by a contact dealing in ships who claims to run a chop shop based out of a shadowport: he's been looking to acquire a ship with variable transponders for quite a while, and he's happy to trade in the Krayt Fang for the ship they want and a tidy sum of credits to boot. If they think he's not legitimate, he proves that he is.

So they go to the coordinates. They find a very recently destroyed shadowport covered in the silhouettes of TIE bombers, chunks of debris from the ships that tried to run...

...and this.


Edited by TIE Pilot

Because he's the Dungeon/Gamemaster! Because he can! :)

Ew, metagaming! Maybe his group doesn't mind that, but I found long ago it's better if you just don't get into situations where you're seen as actively working against the players except as a story device or as the villain directly.

Um. She.

Ya, the players cobbled together their own characters and a fun back story and obligation about a spaceship. The Krayt Fang is given to players as part of the beginner box story

Don't crash it! You're missing a prime opportunity to let their social skills really matter.

Think about it, they've got a stolen skip, of a known bounty hunter, will the Technician/Slicer try to change it's ID? If they roll say 5 threat or a despair they could activate a beacon that leads one of the Hunter's associates to them, or with a simple failure, they'll have to sell it on the black market, reducing their profit.

How good are their streetwise or negotiation skills? If they roll a lot of successes or advantages maybe they find a buyer who give them a little extra, or with a Triumph they get a discount on a trade for the ship they really want, or maybe it has a better weapon system than the stock model. With a despair, the local authorities could raid the location, arresting all involved. If they failed or rolled some threat maybe they get ripped off, or the new ship has a faulty hyperdrive that breaks down after a couple jumps.

Never just force things to happen in edge of the empire, let the dice inform the narrative and be prepared to let the story flow where it will naturally. This is what make FFG's rpg system stand out from the rest.

Sorry bubblepompei, I shouldn't assume that everyone is from the male part of humanity. I guess it's my nerd childhood speaking as absolutely no one but sweaty, foul smelling, male teenagers played RPGs when I grew up. And that right there just made me feel old. :)

Sorry bubblepompei, I shouldn't assume that everyone is from the male part of humanity. I guess it's my nerd childhood speaking as absolutely no one but sweaty, foul smelling, male teenagers played RPGs when I grew up. And that right there just made me feel old. :)

Everyone knows there are no girls on the interwebz if you hear a girl's voice it's just a soundboard *nods*

Sorry bubblepompei, I shouldn't assume that everyone is from the male part of humanity. I guess it's my nerd childhood speaking as absolutely no one but sweaty, foul smelling, male teenagers played RPGs when I grew up. And that right there just made me feel old. :)

Everyone knows there are no girls on the interwebz if you hear a girl's voice it's just a soundboard *nods*

As funny as that comment is, the worst part is that there are actually people that truly feel that way.

Anyway, the paint guide is up. http://alternativewargamer.blogspot.se/2014/10/how-to-paint-krayt-fang.html