hi i just wanted to know how to you people handle this, i mean, how much space (in meter or squares) does for example a size 6 or 8 use in a tactical map??? i wanted to know this specially if im going to use vehicles.
thanks in advance
hi i just wanted to know how to you people handle this, i mean, how much space (in meter or squares) does for example a size 6 or 8 use in a tactical map??? i wanted to know this specially if im going to use vehicles.
thanks in advance
Tactical maps usually assume that a human-sized figure takes up a 1-meter square; everything else scales off of that.
To elaborate on that, if you're incorporating vehicles, you're going to quickly find that you're running out of space for any kind of significant maneuvering/movement on a tactical map. You're probably going to have to abstract things out quite a bit if you're having vehicles AND people on foot in the same encounter.
I've been drawing alot of maps for my players to use, and unless you've got an empty football field nearby to use 1:1 scale just doesn't fit very well. 1:2 scale is just as easy to draw, and doubles your available space.
I prefer using 1:3 as it provides ranges of 75-100 meters on a large 2'x3' pad of Graphing paper. If you're planning on using vehicles 1:4 might be small enough, if not you're probably going to have to get rather abstract and use 1:10.
As for my players, I use painted pushpins to represent their characters (green for the guardsman, red for the techpriest, black for the assassin etc.) which fits very well with my 1:3 scale, I find that my players rarely make any moves less than 3 meters anyways.
In all honesty I just use the models from their miniatures line or from other websites. Just use 28 mm vehicles. As for a 1 inch box on a tactical map vs meters it depends when vehicles are involved. Normally I say 1 box=3 meters when I use roll20. It works pretty well. If a person or a thing has like a 2 meter move I just GM rule zero it and round up. If its a normal encounter 1box=1 meter is ok but I think that gets abit too strange bc depending on your table size you would prob be almost always getting a half range bonus but the 1 box=3 meters fixes that in some cases.
Edited by PhaKnight