Would be nice to get some more information about this. Doesn't even have to be official release date (although that would be good too). We see news about some of your other upcoming products that we know are not going to be released until 2015 but no news about this. Something, anything, would be great. Show us dice system, sneak peak at character creation or how the general mechanics work.
news update?
If they had something to say they'd say it.
At this stage they could definitely share something.
News updates probably aren't decided by developers anyway, there's probably a news department that decides what gets announced when.
Just look at movies. Initial advertising, teaser trailers, news etc comes out well in advance of release. I really wouldn't take the initial announcment as an indication that the game is absolutely imminent.
The release date is expected to be q4 2014. We are in quarter 4 now. So that would suggest that release will be sooner rather then later. Yes of course there could be delays and it gets pushed to 2015 but they announced the game in sept with q4 in mind so they must be fairly close.
News updates would be their marketing team who would work with the development team on what to announce.
**sorry about duplicate post
Edited by llothosThe release date is expected to be q4 2014. We are in quarter 4 now. So that would suggest that release will be sooner rather then later. Yes of course there could be delays and it gets pushed to 2015 but they announced the game in sept with q4 in mind so they must be fairly close.
News updates would be their marketing team who would work with the development team on what to announce.
So go bother them. The game makers read the forums if they're read at all. Marketing likely has a set list of announcements and news articles to put out. EotW isn't the only new thing coming out of FFG.
They should have tried for a halloween release* is all I have to say about this...
* FF still might but then they better anounce more stuff and get it shipped soon. However it seems unlikely that we'll be seeing it this halloween. Maybe in time for x-mass.
So go bother them. The game makers read the forums if they're read at all. Marketing likely has a set list of announcements and news articles to put out. EotW isn't the only new thing coming out of FFG.
My point of the post is the fact that they have been releasing info on their other games that have a 2015 release but nothing new on something that potentially has a 2014 release.
I would love if they had a Halloween release but I'm doubting it as well.
I'm not entirely certain you understand what a troll is if you think me giving an honest answer is trolling.
I was being serious by the way. There's a contact section for a reason. If you have an issue with how their handling the marketing of this line then go bother them about it. It's the best way to get an answer, and get anything moving.
It's under More...Customer Service, then Contact FFG.
Follow the link, it's not but it's something.
Follow the link, it's not but it's something.
That's actually a lot. It gives us a possible date and size of the book.
Their one of my favourite australian suppliers, but the book seems rather small.
Their one of my favourite australian suppliers, but the book seems rather small.
I'd heard that they were a good supplier from other gamers from down there. And yes,144 pages (if that number is correct) does seem a bit small for the price being asked ($39.95 USD). That's right at half the size of the Spanish version (280 pages) with a large increase in price over the Spanish version (19.90 euro/$25 USD).
I know little to nothing about the Spanish version, so I can only hope that the reduction in pages is because of translation, but that large of a reduction, meh I'm a little worried on that one.
I can only hope that the game is improved, I think I may wait out on the reviews of the system before buying into the book.