Drafting in Vermont

By SerVance, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

A Game of Thrones LCG will be making its presence known at Carnage this year! The Intro to AGoT:LCG and our Draft Event will be co-occurring, from 8am-noon on Saturday, so if folks want to learn the game and jump right into a draft, feel free! I'll be running a workshop strictly for beginners from 8am-9:30am, and drafting will start precisely at 9:30. I'll have an assortment of decks to choose from for the Intro Session so you can choose the flavor that best suits your taste. If you have some cards already, bring them along as well and get ready to sta ke your claim for the Iron Throne.

The draft format of AGoT is particularly fun. There will be a $20 fee to play to cover the draft packs and tournament prizes. Each participant will take home their drafted cards, which will include one fixed, reusable Ice & Fire Draft Starter pack – rules and 19 essential cards that provide a foundation for your deck and the 50 cards s/he chooses to draft. And on top of all that, we've got some awesome prizes, including:
-Seventeen alternate art versions of Castellan of the Rock (Participation Prize)
-One playmat depicting the cover of the Kings of the Sea deluxe expansion (First Place)
-Two alternate art versions of Crossing the Ruby Ford (First and Second Place)
-Two deck boxes: one Martell and one Greyjoy (Second and Third Place)

It'd be great if folks could RSVP on our Facebook Group page ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/AGOTLCG802/ )

See you guys there!