Ork Kannon

By pewpew2, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest - Rules Questions

Ork Kannon

Combat Action: Exhaust this support to target a planet. Each player deals 1 indirect damage "among" the "units" he controls at that planet.

Does this card deal 1 damage to all of the units at the battlefield? or just split/assign 1 damage to one? on both sides that is.

Indirect Damage states : when dealing indirect damage, a player cannot deal more damage to a unit that it has hit points remaining. Any indirect damage that cannot be dealt is ignored.

technically am i dealing "more" damage if a unit's hp is at 1 and I'm dealing 1 damage as well? In other words can I kill a unit with the kannon?

again sorry if this is an absurd question, just wanna make sure :D

Edited by Pewpew

It deals one damage total that each player must assign

If a unit has 1 hp then it has 1 hp remaining and is a valid choice.

So if you use Ork Kannon out of Chaos at a planet with Zarathur, would the opponent HAVE to choose a unit with 2 or more HP?

Edited by alpha5099

So if you use Ork Kannon out of Chaos at a planet with Zarathur, would the opponent HAVE to choose a unit with 2 or more HP?

No. Zarathur's Interrupt would only be triggered after the character that would get the 1 point of damage is selected. And the Chaos player may choose not to trigger the Interrupt (for some reason...).

The other thing to note is that the limitation on indirect damage doesn't actually make any unit an invalid target for the damage. What it is saying is that if you have 3 points of indirect damage to assign and 3 units with 1 HP left, you cannot load all 3 on one of the units (leaving the other 2 untouched). You have to divide the damage up in such a way that all of the points of damage could actually be taken.

Edited by ktom

Been playing it wrong, wish they cleared the wording to: each player assigns 1 indirect damage to a unit he controls.

and not "among".

But then again assigning damage is different from dealing, then it could've been "each player deals 1 indirect damage to a unit he controls at the current battlefield."

Thanks for clearing that up :)

I suspect that the weird wording stems from the fact that Ork Kannon is, presently, the only source of Indirect Damage in the game (at least I think so, and that's what a search on CGDB tells me; apologies if I've forgotten something else). It makes for some confusion; the last two people I've played with both were unclear on what it meant.

The "among" wording will make more sense once we get new Indirect Damage sources that do more than just one damage. Distributing the damage among your units when it's two or three damage will be more intuitive. You can spread it out, dealing one damage to multiple units, or dump it all on one guy (as long as it doesn't exceed lethal damage).

The indirect template (ie using "among") was deliberately chosen and all future indirect damage effects will use this template. It is indeed more intuitive with bigger indirect numbers.

The problem is when you're told to deal 4 indirect damage to units you control, it's tricky to come up with a consistent template that's clear that it's not 4 damage to each unit you control, nor 1 damage each to 4 units, but that you're allowed to do 2 damage to 1 unit and 1 each to 2 other units say, or any other combination you can legally do. It was felt that the "among" template captures this in the most elegant (ie least wordy and most unambiguous) way. It's a little awkward when only dealing 1 indirect damage, but that's a small price to pay for consistency across all the indirect damage effects.

Edited by PBrennan