I didn't see discussed anywhere else:
Descent 2.0 has a recommended age of 14+
Imperial Assault has a recommended age of 10+
That's the difference between a middle school student and a high school student being able to play this game. Now I know those recommendations don't mean anything on a per-game basis; I am sure there are plenty of 11 and 12 year olds playing Descent. The key is the relative difference between the two games.
To put this in perspective, most of FFG's complicated hobby games are 14+ (Twilight Imperium, etc). The games I found that were 10+ were Citadels and Talisman.
So, I see some good and bad things coming out of this:
1) IA cannot be Descent with Star Wars packaging. The game must have changed in order for the age range to have dropped.
2) FFG knows it's audience. Kids love Star Wars and parents are going to enjoy playing this game with their kids before they become too-cool to play board games with their parents.
3) The complexity drops so the game (probably?) becomes more fluid and simpler?
4) The age range could be based on thematic content. (Parents may not want their 10 year old playing Chaos on the Old World). But I can't imagine that simulated blaster fire and grenades exploding being any worse than swords, arrows, and magic