Kerrigan and Leadership Cards

By Stefan, in StarCraft

Kerrigan is a vile, evil, scheming ***** as we know from the video game. That is represented in her cards as well.

In stage I, Kerrigan is as likely to go for special victory as is Aldaris. She may choose all Z- and Y-axis, yes, but this is only really useful as there are only two or three players on the board. If there are more, the chance of a Navigation Error is over 50%, and then you stand in risk of loosing more than you gain with that card. Same goes for the two bases: you have much ressources, but are spread thin. That's ok if your neighbours like to build up for themselves, because you will be faster and attack them before they are ready, but when they attack you first you're pretty much screwed.

In the second stage, you may hasten the game which is useful with few players to quickly reach stage III, provided you have an edge before the others in reaching the special objective (which you should have since collecting CP comes naturally for knockdown when both reach the special victory), but normally you won't take it.. You go for Sarah herself, which is cool because the is the strongest heroe in the game. She splashes and kills good, but the low health values on Zerg cards are her achilles heel. Research everything that gives health if you want to keep her, especially the Ultralisk combat cards.

In stage III, you may give them heat. Either you have to get some things together to end the game in the next round, then you choose the Deathblow and attack golden up to four times to simply devestate the enemies forces and gain control of CP-areas. Or you already have them, then you can make one planet extremly difficult to conquer by preventing more than one order from every player on that planet.

Generally, a long game's not Kerrigans friend. Try to keep the speed high and give the weaklings what they deserve.

The biggest advantage of Kerrigans z-axis stage one leadership card is that she gets a transport on each connector to her starting planet. That gives her a huge amount of versatility in the first round of a game with many players.

That's right, I totally forgot that one.

I have a question, I think this is the right leadership card, that heroe is from unit that has sacrifice ability... does this ability counts even for hero or not ? rules say only this:

rules :

Splash Damage Immunity
All heroes are immune to splash damage. This means that
a non-hero unit must always be chosen to be destroyed by
splash damage if possible. If there are no other eligible units
to destroy, the splash damage is ignored.
Heroes are also immune to the mind control ability and all
Technology card abilities that destroy units (for example the
Protoss “Leg Enhancements” or Zerg “Spawn Broodling”).

so i would say that sacrifice works even for hero... right ?

If that heroe would be an infested terran or a scourge, yes. But no heroe is.

Stefan said:

If that heroe would be an infested terran or a scourge, yes. But no heroe is.

That's not true:


Place an Infested Terran with a hero token underneath it in any friendly area.

You may then research the "Psionic Storm" and "Cloaking" Technology cards for free.

During combat, this hero uses the major values of all Combat cards and does not have the sacrifice ability ."

It is written on the card ? well, we are blind then :)

Okay, I was too much in the videogame where she certainly doesn't explode ^^ You're right in that respect of course.

Of course she doesn't explode!

Just read the final part of the text above, by cyb3k.

Yeah, you're right. She doesn't explode. Glad about it :)