I already know that the W40k universe is not known for being friendly for female fans.
There a very reduced number of female characters, mainly Inquisitors, Sororitas, Dark Eldar Witches, and some Eldar.
Also, if we take a look at the default units either in the miniature game or in this card game, all of them are mainly portrayed as male. Some races just because males take the combat role, others (like orks) just because there are no females in their culture (but they are presented as males anyway)
In fact is not a great issue, and female players like my wife can easily play with the cards provided, even thought there are only 1 female warlord.
Anyway, i know she will be more confortable if she could choose between a larger number of female characters, not only Warlords, but units as well.
For example, I'm not a fan of Adeptus Sororitas, but if they are ever represented in the game i know my wife will give them a try
So, i'll ask for a more female friendly cast of characters.
Netrunner has done a great work in that matter, and while "in the grim darkness of the dark future there is only war", i hope designers could find a bit of love for female characters in Conquest