My T.I.3 group all tend to be the creative types and we all like to create our own content for the games we enjoy, or even just make up our own new games. So now that we have completed a couple of games, we inevitable came to the topic of homebrew races. Since I've only played two games so far though, I really don't have a solid sense of balance yet, so I thought I would share the rough draft of what I've got so far. Any and all feedback is welcome, and I'm open to any ideas for changes or help with filling in the few blanks I still have.
I don't have a full back story yet, but the general theme I went with was a scavenger race of cyborgs. As scavengers, they aren't nomadic like the Saar and they aren't as aggressive or opportunistic as the Mentak. As cyborgs, they aren't a cold and calculating collection of only the best parts like the Borg, nor are they clean and uniformly assembled army like the Cybermen. What they are is very good and making the best of what they've got, meaning that they are all basically MacGyver'd together with spare parts and duct tape. They are the epitome of the phrase 'one man's trash is another man's treasure'.