More info long over due

By VNV, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

When are we gonna see more info on IA? Anything would be good.

When are we gonna see more info on IA? Anything would be good.

I agree.

After watching those Gencon videos, and as a person who plays Descent 2.0 quite often, I think I've got a good picture of how the campaign game will work. My kids are already drooling...not good for the furniture, but at least I've trained them well! :)

But I currently know almost nothing about what to expect from the skirmish game. Stat cards, objective deck cards, board configuration, basic rules, etc. I'd expect that most of the work would be done by now, so I think it would be safe to reveal at least a few things.

EDIT: I think that we get some pictures of the skirmish cards at 1:43 of the Dice Tower preview of IA ( ), but I'm still not sure how it'll all fit together. I think FFG does a fabulous job of giving in-depth previews (thinking of X-Wing here), so I can't wait to see what they put forward for Imperial Assault.

Edited by thereisnotry

Yes, but they have to spread the info out before the release. An article a month is a reasonable expectation.

VNV, can you go post in the X-Wing, Armada, and EvsR forum now....they seem to listen to your requests.

Haha I wish

I'm a HAPPY man!!! VNV is the new hero of the IA community! :D What should we get him to ask next?

Most of it was not all that new to me (since I am familiar with Descent 2.0), but they had some new stuff about the skirmish game.

Now, the question is, will we get all the rules before the announce the first expansion content (likely Heroes & Villians packs) or not...

I think we will see a few more rules over the next month or two, then we will see expansions then more rules etc before the release.

Hope they release a tutorial video like they did for x-wing. Although basic, it was pretty good.

Hope they release a tutorial video like they did for x-wing. Although basic, it was pretty good.

I have my doubts that they will have a video. Complex games like Runewars, BattleLore, and Descent never got their own video tutorials (though all three did get video trailers). But maybe Imperial Assault will get a tutorial video since it is Star Wars so they are more likely to attract customers that aren't as familiar with complex rules.

I just think it was good for x-wing, and what a fantastic business model x-wing is. I doubt it will happen though, but I can dream.

I'd love some tutorial videos, and then just some videos of people playing the game and being a bit verbose with their descriptions. I tend to learn better from watching somebody do it, and explain it, then just reading a manual. I start reading the giant manuals that come with some games and my mind glazes over. Five minutes later I realize I have no idea what I just read.

It would be awesome for them to do some simple tutorials on the basics of the game. But honestly that would also risk spoiling a mission. Perhaps they can do some for the skirmish mode and in that they can highlight the basics, or just slap some tiles together and show the basic rules such as movement, shooting, drawing cards, finding items, leveling up, ect.