Forum Video Links

By Thrawn on YouTube, in Support

How can I embed a video (YouTube) in my posts? YouTube gives me a code or a URL to embed videos. But I can't find any icon or anything else on the text editor of this forum, which helps me to embed this code or a video.

Did I miss something? Please help.

Edited by Thrawn on YouTube

Hello, I think that I just figured it out:

When you are editing your post, the 3rd button in the toolbar on the top is "Special BBCode". In the drop down menu, select MEDIA. Then post the url of the video. Not the imbeded url but the regular url that you see in your browser and that should be enough (worked for me after spending 1/2 day trying to figure it out, which is how i found this post).

Thanks BobbyM!

But this doesn't work for me, too.

Finally, I figured it out ...

When you are editing your post, the first button in the toolbar on the top is a "Switch".
After switching and copying the browser-url of the video in the text, the Video finally appears.

Best regards
- Thrawn -

Edited by Thrawn on YouTube