Are Triumphs and Despair even in your game?

By damnkid3, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

As GM on a triumph, I say to the players - do you wan to give an option, or do you want me to spend it?

On a Despair I spend it, but it's rarely crippling and sometimes quite hilarious.

I had multiple failures, and a Triumph last night for a perception check to see if the PC should trust a Nemesis NPC.

Triumph - he knows in his gut that he can't trust this guy and accuses him of horrible things.

Failure - Though it's obvious to the PC that the NPC is eeevil, the PC points out flaws that the other PCs don't agree with.

Party proceeds to get captured by the Empire and curse the GM. There were many "I told you so"'s