I am thinking about purchasing this game for family and friend board game nights. I have a bunch of questions that I am hoping the community could answer for me that will help me with my purchase.
1. I know the game uses special dice and I think you only get one set in the base game. Does a set come in any of the expansions? If so which ones? Lastly how many sets do I need to get?
2. Which of the expansions do you recommend and why? I am guessing they are all a good value as in monetary purchase but not sure if they are worth it for the quests/characters/monsters/etc.
3. What about the 'conversion kit'? I don't have the first game, however, I read that it is worth it to get anyways. Thoughts about the conversion kit?
4. What about sleeves? I have never used sleeves for any games I ever played. It seems that FFG recommends sleeves for this game. Do I need them? How many? Are FFG sleeves the ones I should get or are they all the same so just worry about price?
5. Is there anything else I should know about?
P.S. Any thoughts about 'Star Wars: Emperial Assault' board game? I am thinking of getting this when it comes out.
Edited by AgentJ