I apologize in advance if someone else has come up with an idea like this one. I haven't read through all the morality threads.
After a few sessions of play, my group agrees that the random die roll leaves a lot to be desired. I just came up with an idea that might work and figured I'd toss it out here for everyone to check out.
Basically, toss the die roll. With my idea, it's not needed.
The GM can hand out Conflict points and Peace points (feel free to come up with a better name). At the end of the session, take the difference between the two and lose that much Morality if Conflict is higher and gain that much Morality if Peace is higher.
We haven't tested this yet in game, as I literally just came up with it a few minutes before typing this. I've sent it to my group but haven't heard back from them yet, but personally, I think it could really work.