My favorite foundation is A Singing and Dancing Musical Sister. Especially after Dave ruled that, should you have 2 Military Ranks and a Shinobi in your staging area, you could react to playing a matching control card by grabbing a block, readying ASDMS, then grabbing another block. And it got the rules changed so you couldn't instantly win by attaching a Shield Bash to one of the Sasquatch foundations and just copying its ability until you won
Favorite character is definitely Sophitia**. Draw a Whereabouts T1, and your opponent didn't drop LM/Yoga? Got an answer to Hammer? Time for game 2!
Attack: toss up between Heisheng Jian and Ira-Spinta, with Yoga Roundhouse Kick riiiiight up in there.
Asset: Bleeding Internally, because the injury tournament was so fun . Fun and stupid. Mostly fun. Action side was horrible though.
Least favorite blue card: Absurd Strength. Raped my fun with momentumz, and I never seem to kill anyone with it while everyone else one-shots me even if I'm playing a 5HS XD
Not really sure about the rest, tho...