My play group were talking and we started reminiscing about our favorite attacks, action, foundation, and assets from all the sets. These were my favorite cards
Attack- Strike Heads. This card was as close to a perfect card as you can get. A 3 speed mid for 5 damage throw that was only difficult 4.
Action- Dodge Step. There is nothing better than somebody trying to make you discard, and you commit their whole staging area.
Asset- Boxing Ring. I love readying cards for almost nothing.
Character - 6 dot Ryu. I love his ability to get free momentum and card draw. Plus he makes Sechui one of the best attacks in the game with him.
Foundation - Dirty Pool. This card pretty much help my Twelve deck work so well.
Least Favorite
Attacks- Rolling storm. This card was just to good to play with talim for almost nothing.
Action- Absurd Strength. I hate how this had to game changing abilities for practically free.
Asset - Addess Syndicate. It was just stupid thank god it was banned.
Character- 8 hand size Talim. I just hated playing against this deck because if you didn't get the right set up turn one you were done.
Foundation- Yoga Mastery. I just hated playing against this card back in the day.
Have fun going down memory lane with this topic.