What are your favorite and least favorite cards of all time?

By riotmaker, in UFS General Discussion

My play group were talking and we started reminiscing about our favorite attacks, action, foundation, and assets from all the sets. These were my favorite cards


Attack- Strike Heads. This card was as close to a perfect card as you can get. A 3 speed mid for 5 damage throw that was only difficult 4.

Action- Dodge Step. There is nothing better than somebody trying to make you discard, and you commit their whole staging area.

Asset- Boxing Ring. I love readying cards for almost nothing.

Character - 6 dot Ryu. I love his ability to get free momentum and card draw. Plus he makes Sechui one of the best attacks in the game with him.

Foundation - Dirty Pool. This card pretty much help my Twelve deck work so well.

Least Favorite

Attacks- Rolling storm. This card was just to good to play with talim for almost nothing.

Action- Absurd Strength. I hate how this had to game changing abilities for practically free.

Asset - Addess Syndicate. It was just stupid thank god it was banned.

Character- 8 hand size Talim. I just hated playing against this deck because if you didn't get the right set up turn one you were done.

Foundation- Yoga Mastery. I just hated playing against this card back in the day.

Have fun going down memory lane with this topic.


Favorite Character- Promo Nakoruru, yeah she was amazing but I played her since day one as she is my fav SS character. I made her off every symbol and every symbol won a major tourney (AoP, FoP)

Action- You Will Not Escape, either it would stop their turn cold if they had no attacks or it made it so your opponent played less foundations because of progressive difficulty. Eased grey wars

Asset- Close to the Edge, just an awesome alternate win condition

Foundation- Lesser of Many Evils, Most underatted card ever!

Attack- Roundhouse kick, super solid amazing ability well worth the 2CC

My most hated....

Character- Promo Dhalsim/UR set 1Cass, worse characters ever bad, complete NPE. You thought 6 and lower handsizers have a disadvantage now lol, you couldnt play with anything less than 7 and have a chance to win.

Action- One Armed Manuevers pre errata, Infiltrating. OAM pre errata just enabled so many things. Infiltratings a pain in the but and has an awesome attack to boot

Asset- Addes. aweful!

Foundation- Lost Memories, Destroy and Negate?! wow... I loved playing with it hated playing against it.

Attack- Strike Heads/Chain Throw/Overhand Throw, just so solid that it was unfair.... Cheap throws are bad for low vitality characers,


Action: Please Help me. Made for insane shennanigans if you were willing to run the lousy checks it demanded.

Foundation: Blind Loyalty. Free reversals for a E commit? Sign me up!

Attack: Hellcat. Incredibly balanced character only card with a funky static effect

Asset: Yumeji's sword of no name. Cause nothing says lovin' like +10 to all your control checks

Character: The first felicia. MOAR shenanigans ( seeing a trend here? )

Most Hated

Action: Absurd Strenght. nearly caused me to ragequit the game.

Foundation: Yoga Mastery. F*cking.... free.... negation... Dirty Pool: Wait, isn't blocking an integral part of the game?

Attack: Feline Spike. Faster pussycat kill kill. And don't bother packing any other attack.

Asset: Addes Syndicate. So you wanna play anything but evil or all in block two? I hope you like to lose.

Character: Ibuki**. When 4 cards in your support got banned, you deserve to be here. That and she single handedly cost us a lot of players.


Action: Irresistible Force. I punished big hand-size characters and possibly make my attack unblockable? A wonderful card that was only made stupid because of Absurd Strength

Foundation: Ruler of Southtown. Yes, I know I know, it's incredibly broken, which is why it was banned (and I agree with the banning). but it was still my favorite and I (and :::Guile:: :) will mourn it's loss.

Attack: Valkyrie Turn. So... I get to possibly gain or burn my opponent for 6 vitality AND they don't get an enhance during the enhance step? shwing!

Asset: Basket of Tricks. Because recurring said Valkyrie Turn is DIRTY.

Character: Promo Alba. I will miss you! Leaping Commando Kick + Mercenary = more dirty then above.

Most Hated

Action: Infiltrating. Card is too **** good and too low a difficulty. Not to mention the attack is amazing too with great symbols...

Foundation: Yoga Mastery. annoying card is annoying. Single-handedly makes me not want to play Legacy.

Attack: Chain Throw. 3 check Throw, Stun: 3 (basically), recursion, and printed damage of 4 or greater. Stupidly good attack is stupid.

Asset: Olcadan's Mentoring. I only despise this card because whenever I make a new deck, I always start out by dropping in 4x of these. And then the only change I would ever make to the deck is putting in 3x instead. There are no negatives to running this card.

Character: ***Hugo***. *shudder*


Attack: Jackknife Kick

Action: Challenge the Master. Seeing a pattern here?

Foundation: Roam the World. Sooo good, and void needs it right now :( Billiard Player is up there too.

Asset: White Storm. Or Red Gi. Mmm.

Character: ***Adon***

Least Favorites:

Attack: Kasumi Suzaku

Action: Rejection, or action side of the injury assets.

Foundation: Higher Calibur. UGH. If unbanned, then uh, forethought maybe?

Asset: Addes Syndicate. If unbanned, then Olcadans. I'm just tired of seeing it, and it wastes so much time in this game that already has short match times.

Character: ***Hugo***. If unbanned, Chunners.


Character: Hard choice =/ between Akuma5 and Yoshitora2 , absolutely loved Yoshitora's E but he just wasn't my symbol spread. Akuma5 was soo much fun though, "O i checked a 1? *Commit Akuma* lets just put that in my hand and try again. > :D "

Action: Hop , hop, hop. Loved it.

Attack: Vertical Rolling Attack , just a great utility attack really for my Blanka1

Foundation: Veteran of 1000 Battles , just a fun ability back in the day, really wish there was an equivalent running around.

Asset: Red Gi :D


Character: God freaking **** Cassandra2 , good riddance to bad trash

Action: You Will Not Escape

Attack: Hiza Geri when I wasn't playing it :P

Foundation: Yoga Mastery since i played Fire only back in the day.

Asset: Addes , again good riddance to bad trash.


Attacks- Spinning Mutha Fawkin Piledriver. 5 HS Zangief Mill ftw!

Action- Kung Fu Training- Giving us an ability to stop You Will Not Escape in Legacy and Tag Along, and like ALMOST every symbol can run it.

Foundation- Demon Hunting- It made having 5 or 6 handsize a joke, plus it had a great attack on it.

Asset- Pigeon Games- Because it turned my Promo Alex usually into a 11-12/28 :D

Character- Promo Alba... I missed my 100 card Order Mill ><


Attacks- Fawk you name it: Feline Spike, Swipe, Ira Spinta...

Actions- You Will Not Escape: As much as I loved the card in Alba and Yoshimitsu, it's gotta go here.

Foundation- Blood Runs True: Too good then, too good now. And it's free, with no drawback.

Asset- Addes Syndicate: Whoever thought that up should've been shot... Repeatedly....

Character- Again too many to list. Promo Yung Seung, Cassandra (the negation one), Ibuki (ANY of them that isn't the Promo one)

And if I could be so bold as to add something to the list?

Card I miss the most:

Contemplation- It's needed, it's been needed since block 3 came out. Will I ever see it again? Probably not, but a guy can dream :D


Character: Promo Ukyo. AKA: The OG broken and never banned.

Action: Legally? Landwalk. Banned? Kasumi Gaki. Oh how I do love my enablers.

Asset: Gonna have to say Yoshimitsu. So incredibly broken, but restricted to mediocre characters. So nobody played it....

Attack: Kunai. Once again, I love enablers.

Foundation: Shinobi Tradition.....what?

Least favorite

Character: Promo Hugo.

Action: Rejection

Asset: Olcadon's Mentoring

Attack: Chain Throw/Feline Spike/Ira Spinta/Overhand Throw/Strike Heads/Glass Slippers.

Foundation: Defender of the Empire or Blood Runs True

Me love you long time

Action : Power of the Edge, packed it in every deck that could use it.
Asset : Manacles, great action side and if you played Cody the asset wasn't that bad.
Attack : DEADLY RAVE~, and I'm not even joking. The laughs to be had with this card and the fact that it burned people was always good.
Character : Cody, all versions.
Foundation : Veteran of a Thousand Battles, because I made it work, and again it is burn which is awesome.

* * *

USTd cards

Action : Absurd Strength, because it was due to this card and not playing skill that I managed to beat the most broken deck our meta has ever produced.
Asset : Enlightenment, pre-ban.
Attack : Chain Throw, because there was no reason not to play it.
Character : Promo Nakoruru, one of the many mistakes this game has had.
Foundation : Yoga Mastery, because a 6 CC for that effect was dumb.


ACTION-Absurd Strength, not beacause of the "E" but because of the "R"

ASSET-Nadesheko 4/5 Evil Good Water +2M Yoshitora Only- F Commit: Destroy 1 non-charcter card in your opponents staging area with a response ability printed on it

ATTACK-Stardust Drop 6/3 3H5 Throw, Reversal a balanced card

FOUNDATION:Impetous-It dealt with everything

CHARACTER-:::Akuma:::-he's just plain good


ACTION-You Will Not Escape-gives my opponent time walk

ASSET-Defender-hate infinate loop combos

ATTACK-Chain Throw-Chain Throw+Kunai, need I say more

FOUNDATION-Lord of the Makai-Free momentum with no absurd strength "R" in the format

CHARACTER-Zi Mei-Always getting a damage boost is too good.


Character: ***Ryu*** --gotta love getting back those Seichu's every turn...and i won my first tourney with him!!!

Action: POTE --just says NO!!!

Asset: Overwhelming Strength --char commital is awesome!!

Attack: Ryus Tatsumaki --Not great but it won me ALOT of games back in the day!!!

Foundation: BRT-- I spent a lot of money on these so they are my fav lol


Character: Matt Kohls(pre errat) --First turn kills are retarded!!!!

Action: Hop --Dont know why really, but i just hate it lol

Asset: Olcadan and Addes --seriously EVERY deck ran these...but sadly i run olcadans as well

Attack: haha Void Nova --Multiple X is broke, granted 1 dmg muti's but none the less enough of them can kill you lol

Foundation: Yoga Mastery --Nuff said!


Attack: Spiral Dominance. Ran it in almost any deck I could, and won games with it all the time. The ORIGINAL 1-check!

Foundation: Megalomania. Again, ran it in almost anything I could. 1/5 > 1/4 +1-LOW IMO

Action: None, actions suck balls.

Asset: Nadeshiko. Yoshitora is probably the only character in fighting game history to perhaps be an exact clone of who I am (except the hair, his hair is way long).

Character: **Mai**. My **Mai**'s Punch-Out! deck was great, but as soon as I added Bitter Rivals, it never lost a single game to any deck the entire year. Yep, it was that gay.


Attack: Ira-Spinta. Yeah...

Foundation: BLOOD. RUNS. GOD. ****. TRUE. (and it also needs to run to the banned list)

Action: Rejection, because no.

Asset: Seal of Cessation, because no.

Character: Olexa, Akuma, Donovan, Chun-Li, Herr, Hanzo, and pretty much everyone else I ***** about on a daily basis.


Character: Blanka*** plus one damage!

Foundation: Whereabouts unknown......mmmmmmmmmmmmm momentum

Asset: legendary blade plus one speed plus one damge! also bun is good.

Action: HOP!

Attack: void nova=lots of mid 2 for 3 damage!


Character: Santa. I hate christmas.

Foundation: yoga mastery/no memories. it stopped void nova.

Asset: Red Gi pre errate/ adds

Action: aaaabsurd stregth for the R or soul reprisel.

Attack: Chain Throw.


Character: Ultron. (actually probably Kula..)
Foundation: Gorgeous Team
Asset: Secret Project
Action: Reversal
Attack: Gaishiki Lunar Rebellion

Least Favorites:

Character: Demuth.
Foundation: Yoga Mastery (just silly)
Asset: Lynette's Shop (overrated, even though I'm guilty of using it too)
Action: Come to the Aid (terrible version of Reversal)
Attack: Feline Spike

Kinda hard to choose, lots of stuff that is really close to eachother. But I'd say this is pretty accurate for me.


-Defender of the empire (+**Ivy)
-Critical Timing
-**Yoshitora** or *B. Jenet*
-Heisheng Jian
-Overhand Throw

-Feline Spike and Ira Spinta
-Yoga Mastery
-You will not escape
-Olcadan's Mentoring and Reanimated
-Lots of character hates:

foundation: yoga mastery, nuff said, most needed card ever.
attack: kunai, the most broken attack ever, yeah i said it.
action: psycho focus, they don't make em like this anymore baby
asset: red gi, pre errat ^_^ *CUE EVIL LAUGHTER*
character: promo Ukyo

FART aka hate
foundation: blood runs true
attack: feline spike
action: rejection
asset: yoshimitsu aka the stick
character: nakaruru


Character: unerrata'd Matt Kohls...not just Aggro, but Hyper-Aggro!

Attack: Burning Knuckle...does anyone beside me remember what it was like to play Tempo?

Action: Tag Along...sooooo good!

Asset: A Cat's Reflexes...under utilized card, imo.

Foundation: Military Jank

Not So Much...

Character: Promo Hugo...yea, him + Fortune and Glory = Sad Face.

Attack: Mega Spike...not broke at all, just one piece of a Infinity Loop i hate.

Action: You Will Not Escape...i remember playing in the days when Void was King...not fun.

Asset: Seal of Cessation...i use it liberally in my decks, but stil...

Foundation: Higher Calibur...i don't think there's ever been a more disgusting card printed...


Foundation: Shinobi Tradtion

Assett: Assassination Arts

Attack: Widdow Maker

Action: Kungfu Training

Character: Donovan ***

Most Hated:

Foundation: Blood Runs True (I cannot understand why this card is still legal)

Assett: Addes Syndicate (something that is actually dumber than BRT)

Attack: Feline Spike. (I am sick to death of seeing this card and teching against it, and still dying from it)

Action: Revitalize (20 life???? are you serious?)

Character: Rose (the one where she forces a recheck every friggin time, infuriating


character: promo yun seong makes me wanna play legacy

action: tag along soo useful

asset: ass arts

foundation: way of the mightiest awesome dmg pump i miss

attack: shadow banishment i wish i was playing back when it got realeased

least favs

character: the banned chars

action: rejection, injury assets

assets: addes

foundation: dirty pool and yoga mastery

attack: susy Q


Character: **Morrigan**- Death/Good denial mill may have P/O everyone else, but it was soooo fun to play.

Attack: Jade Crusher- Start of your kill turn by dealing with all the problems in your opponent's staging area.

Action: Lure the Enemy- Take that Promo Adon! (I like mill)

Foundation: Contemplation- Sigh. I really miss playing Morrigan.

Asset: Gerdenheim's Research Notes- F: Commit: Each player mills four.

RockStar said:


Character: unerrata'd Matt Kohls...not just Aggro, but Hyper-Aggro!

Attack: Burning Knuckle...does anyone beside me remember what it was like to play Tempo?

Action: Tag Along...sooooo good!

Asset: A Cat's Reflexes...under utilized card, imo.

Foundation: Military Jank

Not So Much...

Character: Promo Hugo...yea, him + Fortune and Glory = Sad Face.

Attack: Mega Spike...not broke at all, just one piece of a Infinity Loop i hate.

Action: You Will Not Escape...i remember playing in the days when Void was King...not fun.

Asset: Seal of Cessation...i use it liberally in my decks, but stil...

Foundation: Higher Calibur...i don't think there's ever been a more disgusting card printed...

Yea, i almost forgot about Addes Syndicate...i hereby make that my Not So Much choice for hated Asset. Seal is at least balanced in that it blows itself up after ONE use.


Character: Promo Adon/Yoshimitsu, Mignon

Action: Turnaboot, Absurd Strength, You Will not Escape

Foundation: Gylkus

Orange Card: All of them I love Orange cards!

Asset: Owlface, Yoshimitsu



Character: Alex, Seong Mina

Action: Power of the edge....

Foundation: Shinobi Tradition

Orange Card: How can anyone hate orange cards

Asset: Addes I guess...?

Character: Promo Yun Seong

Action: Im probably the only one but I LOVED HAPPY HOLIDAYS followed by You will not escape

Foundation: Shinobi Tradition, Contemplation

Attack: Bird of Prey (character only), Chain throw

Split: Demon Hunting

Asset: Seal of cessation

Character: 3 dot Ibuki

Action: rejection/injury assets

Foundation: Higher Calibre

Asset: Owlface

Attack: feline spike

asset: defender


Character - *Twelve*. That response is so unbelivably great.

Action - Reversal. I would LOVE to see this card reprinted.

Asset - Nadeshiko. I miss my old Yoshitora character-stacking deck...

Attack - Big Punch. It's a really, really big freakin' punch.

Foundation - Friends and Rivals. SO. GOOD.


Character - **Morrigan**. Why no freaking minimum 1...

Action - Kung-Fu Training. The speed boost is so annoying with all those resources, especially back when it shared two with Absurd Strength.

Asset - Red Gi pre-errata. Yup

Attack - Ira-Spinta. No red lotus = your staging area's getting no-lube'd.

Foundation - Ring Veteran.

ilu <3

Character - *Donovan*. Honorable mentions: Promo Ukyo (TB gives you super powers), Rare Ibuki (before set 8, even), Promo Yoshimitsu, Starter Yoshitora, Rare Luise, promo Tira, Rare Tira (4-dot and current, HA), promo Rose, SR Cody, promo Karin, banned Talbain, Sankuro

Action - Tag Along. Honorable mentions - You Will Not Escape, Psycho Focus, Turnabout, Happy Holidays, Reviltalize, Kazumi Gaki
Asset - Assassination Arts. Never leave home without it! Honorable mentions: Nadeshiko, Lynette's Shop, Yoshimitsu
Attack - Ira-Spinta. Honorable mentions: Devil Reverse, Ukyo's Short Slash Attack, Strike Heads, Five Flash Rip, Flowing Gale Hook, Clones, Messatusu-Gorasen
Foundation - Military Rank. Honorable mentions: The Curse Broken (LOL), Friends and Rivals, Unrequited Love, Won't Settle for Second Best!, Cursed Blood


Character - Promo/Rare Yun-Seong, Promo/SR Adon, Nakoruru
Action - Chief Hold
Asset - Red gi (pre errata), Vega's Claw (or is it Mask?), Injury Assets (didn't mind Syndicate, btw)
Attack - I can't actually hate any =/
Foundation - Defender of the Empire, obv. Honorable mention: Yoga Mastery