Hello again, I noticed last time we played that you can only customize Regimental standard issue gear:
"Weapon customisations may only be applied to a piece of
Hello again, I noticed last time we played that you can only customize Regimental standard issue gear:
"Weapon customisations may only be applied to a piece of
No, is the short answer.
It is not a piece of his Standard Regimental Kit, nor is it a Favoured Weapon of the Regiment.
It is specialist's equipment, and is expected to be returned in the condition it was given to the character.
By RAW, can you start the game with weapon customizations??
I handwaved that you can...
(BTW: sorry for highjacking the thread, I felt it was a good opportunity for me to ask this question)
Not by RAW but I allow it, personally. Makes sense that they'd have had the wargear for a while before game start and have some time to tinker with it.
Thing is, it is an armourer check, which has consequences for failing. But right now it is no reason not to just try to get the mods you want right after the game start, since each just takes 15 minutes or something. Failure means turning it in, but unless you do it so often they get suspicious it's no problem.
I still make them make the Armourer check if they want the customisation before game start ;P
What are the consequences for failing that test, RAW?
I mean, I'd obviously make some up, fitting the attempted customization and depending on DoF, but I don't think there even are any going by RAW...
I don't have a book with me now but I belive that if you fail (fail hard enough?) the weapon looses "reliable" or gains "unreliable".
Might be fail hard enough = needs to be replaced/turned in for a new one.
No, is the short answer.
It is not a piece of his Standard Regimental Kit, nor is it a Favoured Weapon of the Regiment.
It is specialist's equipment, and is expected to be returned in the condition it was given to the character.
RAW no, but I'd probably allow it for the assigned starting issue weapon option(s) from their specialization. It may not be Regimental Kit by RAW, but if/when the Munitorum thinks their unit's logistics depot was compromised by hereteks and sends out replacement kit for the entire unit, they're going to get that specialist starting issue weapon again. Or if the unit is required to strip their equipment reserves, they get to keep their SRK and their specialist starting issue equipment.
I think the 'no customizing non-SRK equipment' rule is more to prevent customization of those gotten through the requisition system, assigned for the mission, or trophy weapons/loot. It's more of a game balance limitation, rather than a practical limitation, imo, at least regarding standard/common Imperial weapons/tech base.
However, I've also ported customizations into the other lines, and allow customizations for most non-xeno, non-archeotech weapons, and sometimes for xeno or archeotech weapons (xenos can customize weapons of their own species, and sometimes archeotech comes pre-customized or with features that allow for certain customizations to be used).
Isn't it that the weapon gained by specialization becomes SRK for that character? Like a long las for a marksman adv. spec. It would be logical that they are noted in munitorium as being issued with the said long las as a standard for their position in a unit.
As for the weapons obtained outside of the standard logistics of regiment, I agree that archeotech and xeno weapons should be out of customizations, but I see no reason for an officer not to customize a plasma pistol that was given to him by a noble as a gift for saving his family, sure as sure, that weapon might be pre customized, but if it's not, I don't see a reason that he couldn't tweek it to his needs.
In the descriptions for weapon customisations there is a passage that mentions SRK gear being familiar to the regiment, and thus eligible for work on. I think rules-wise, it has less to do with how you got the item in question, and more so how much the average guardsman would be comfortable working on it.
The idea being that your issued lasgun is the weapon everybody receives the same training in, and will most likely use until they are torn apart by Orks. Guardsmen are taught how to service it, use it, and spend a lot of time with the weapon. So, they are able to make small tweaks (mostly unnoticeable) to said weapon, because of how familiar they are with its operation and function.