Looking for players in Connecticut

By Darkjawa, in Player community

Looking for players in Connecticut that can play on Thursday nights or Sundays. If we get enough people I may be able to get the store owner to get a Game Night kit. Post here or email me at darkjawa103 @yahoo.com

Where in Connecticut? I recently moved to eastern CT and am also looking for players.

I work and play at Flagship Comics and Games in Southington.

Right now on Sundays we started playing Imperial assault, but if you have a Thursday night free let me know

We have about half-a-dozen (plus or minus several) players at the Time Machine in Manchester. Most of us are into multiple LCGs and also board games in general. Saturday nights are our "normal" day (6-10 P.M.). The holidays have wreaked havoc on attendance for the past few weeks but things should be returning to normalcy going forward. I will also email you on the side.

I get a delivery failure on your email address.