My two current decks

By Sluppie, in Gummi Garage

The first thing to note is that each of these two decks are basically designed around the other. They are both constructed so that they can either WR or Aggro but it's a lot easier to WR with these two than it is to win via Aggro. It just happens to work out that way, really, because there's no way for one deck to deplete the other's HP fast enough to prevent victory through WR. I loaded both of my decks up with Cure/Cura/Curaga and that's just the natural result. Sometimes I get up past 20 heart points in games, and I usually get close. Both are very anti-aggro, and the Light deck is very anti-Dark.

These decks are just experiments of mine to see how they run. I don't gaurantee them to be awesome but I don't think they're that weak either. But I change these often as I try out new strategies.

Also, I don't have Stealth Sneak, so putting it in my Light deck isn't an option, though I admit it would be powerful. I don't have all of the rares and super rares I'd like, so I'm just making do with what I have.

The Light Deck

Summary: This deck mostly depends upon being able to use Moogle to skip to Sephiroth, Leon, and Yuffie. I also have Magic cards and Attack Cards to help me out early game, but once Wizard and Sea Neon come into the other deck's Friend Area those stop being useful. Also, unless I happen to be on Monstro, I tend to have all or most of my friends out at once. At the moment it's something of a Final-Fantasy themed deck, except that I don't have Aerith or Cloud yet.

Player Card:

Riku level 2 from the 3rd set. HP:7, 6 Attack Power -- I was using Sora level 2 from the 3rd set before, but I noticed that this card has more Hp and more attack power and the only cost is I don't have any Magic power at the begining of the game. The lack of magic is made up for by the fact that I have Sephy in the deck.

Friend Cards:

Wakka level 0 -- +1 attack value for Riku. Not a bad deal for just having him in the Friend Area

Selphie level 0 -- One more card in the draw phase. Something of a double-edged sword, but it helps you to get the cards you need quickly.

Kairi level 0 -- No surprise here, since this is an anti-dark deck. It allows me to get rid of a Wizard or Sea Neon in a pinch.

Tidus level 0 -- Just for discarding Kairi, since her text doesn't allow you to discard it at your leasure.

3x Moogle level 1 -- This is the card I use to play my friend cards. I have no bridges other than this card

Yuffie level 2 -- The infinitely reusable Yuffie card. You remember how I said I usually end up with nearly 20 HP near the end of the game? This card allows me to put it back into my hand instead of discarding it at the cost of a measily 1 HP, something I already have plenty of. So this is 4 support power I can use over and over and over again.

Leon level 4 -- Not the best card in the deck, but I was going for the FF theme and I don't have to worry much about Alice, Simbas or anything like that. In light of that, the +8 support value is pretty nice. The 3 magic power isn't that big of a deal because I already have...

Sephiroth level 4 -- I just recently got this card and I'm so happy with it. It looks awesome, and it's very powerful. It's another card that I can use turn after turn after turn provided that I only use it in challenges. Technically I could use him in a battle if I was really desperate, but chances are I won't be in such a pickle. This is a great card for an Aggro deck, and at the same time it does a good job of delaying an aggro deck with it's use in challenges. A very nice card indeed.

Attack Cards:

2x Oathkeeper -- ZOMG did you SEE how powerful this card is? It's so awesome! First, it adds +5 Attack Value and the only cost is having it in your hand and playing it. If that wasn't enough to impress you, you gain +1 HP just for using it in a battle against a Dark/Heartless card! Very nice for World Racers indeed. The only reason I only have 2 in my deck is because I only have 2 in my collection.


3x Pumpkin Head

3x Divine Rose

Magic Cards:

All of these except for Cure require Sephiroth to be out.

1x of Blizzaga, Firaga, and Thundaga

1x of Cure and Curaga --Zomg this + HP from World Cards + Oathkeeper = way too many HP. Just waaaaay too many. Makes me wonder how I can even counter that much.

Heartless Cards:

3x Pirate and 3x Wyvern --These cards really put the hurt on if your opponent gets careless. They drain 1 HP each, for each turn, until the opponent manages to get them off of their world card. Chances are he won't be able to get rid of them all at once unless he's running level 1 World Cards. A single Pirate is easy to get rid of, but a swarm of them is not. Wyverns are never easy to get rid of.

Darkside -- A hard card to deal with + gets rid of any Black Fungus in the enemy's field.

World Cards:

The first thing to note about these cards is that they are all level 1 with dark limits of 1. When I built this part of the deck, I figured I could limit my opponent to only playing 1 Heartless card at a time, but actually there are some very powerful ways to get around that. This is currently the weakest point of this deck and I'm probably going to change this soon. I'll probably change some of these cards out for level 2s or 3s and use the extra room in the deck for more friend cards. Who knows. However, 13 World Cards = +13 HP, so thats one of the main reasons I have so many Heart Points.

3x Monstro -- Not as helpful as one might think, because the other Dark Player tends to run a very lean Friend Area. All the Dark Player really needs is Wizard + Sea Neon + Jafar, Jafar Genie, Dragon Malificent, or any other lesser card to get rid of a few heartless. All it really does is make me discard Selphie, Wakka, etc. Not actually all it's cracked up to be.

3x Olympus Coliseum

3x Traverse Town

3x Wonderland

1x Destiny Islands -- Pretty much any Wakka, Kairi, Selphie, or Tidus for free.

And that's it for the Light Deck. Now onto...

The Dark Deck

Summary: I know that Dark Decks tend to have a few weaknesses, but I've spent a lot of time trying to overcome them. This deck is the result of that. The key strat(egy) here is to get at least one Wizard and one Sea Neon out into the field so that I can control when magic and attack cards are and are not used. Basically, if I have 1 Wizard in the field and 1 Wizard in my hand, then I can use that Wizard in a battle or challenge, and thus discard it. Then on the next turn I can play whatever Magic Cards I wish and follow that up with the Wizard card in my hand to put the lock down on Magic again. Same for Sea Neons and Attack Cards. By controlling the match this way I can stall my opponent long enough to secure a victory.

Also of note is my Dragon Maleficent card. This is basically the Moogle for Dark Decks, as I can play 3 Black Fungi in the friend area AND discard 5 cards from my hand to bring this level 9 Dark Card down to level 1. Of course, as soon as I've played it in my friend area it's back to level 9... or 6 if the Black Fungi are still in play, but the important part about this is that I can now place every single Dark Card I have into my Friend Area.

And then there's my other Dark Cards. I've used cards like Guard Armor (Body), (arm) and (leg) to essentially play 3 Dark/Heartless cards on my opponent's Level 1 World Card. I also have Gigant Shadow for this same reason. Very tough combos to beat, imo.

This deck is a little weak until Dragon Maleficent comes out, after which it becomes very strong and difficult for my other deck to beat.

Player Card:

Dark Riku level 3 -- The 2 Magic Power on this card is a nice bonus, because it allows you to play Cura right off the back. Also, unless you're running Rare Truffle, this 2 Magic Power is all the magic you'll get. Another nice bonus is the high Attack Value of 8. Very hard to beat in a challenge because most other player cards have 6 at most... well, unless your opponent has some really awesome card like Sephiroth. Then you might want to forget about Challenges unless you can cast Stop.

Dark Decks have no Friends ;_;

Attack Cards:

Soul Eater --Why not 3x Soul Eater? Because I only have one, naturally.

3x Lionheart --Mostly just for early challenges or clearing out Dark Cards early on.

Magic Cards:

2x Cura and 1x Curaga -- My favorite Magic cards to play. Level 2 magic means that I can Play Cura even at the start of the match to offset any early advatages the other player might have. The awesomeness of Curaga is hard to deny, as it will take a non-Soul Eater Aggro deck as many as 3 turns to take that off again. Very hard to counter... unless you're just going to World Race.

1x of Thundaga And Blizzaga

1x of Graviga --Nice for getting rid of annoying low level friends. Won't work on Sephiroth or Leon, though.

3x of Stop -- Start Challenge. Go First. Use Stop. Opponent can't use Sephiroth in this Challenge, or any other card for that matter. Your 8 Attack Value vs. their 6 (or 7 with Wakka) means that you can knock a HP off of your opponent, or 2 if you play Soul Eater.

Dark Cards:

Most of these cards were chosen for the Friend Area. However, aside from Black Fungus and Rare Truffle every single one of them could be reasonably played on your opponent's World Card to get in their way.

3x Black Fungus -- Required to play Dragon Maleficent

3x Sea Neon --Attack Cards blocked, until YOU decide not to block them anymore. And then you can just play another Sea Neon to put the wall back up again

2x Wizard -- Same with Sea Neon, only it's for Magic

3x Rare Truffle -- Increases the Magic Value of both Player Cards. One might think that this is a double-edged sword, but in truth your opponent either already has a friend card to help them cast high-level spells OR they don't have any high-level spells to cast in their deck. It's not going to help them out that much at all. Not nearly as much as it helps you out, mr. Dark player with no normal Friend cards.

2x of Guard Armor Body, Arm, and Leg. -- Well since the Light Deck uses all level 1 World Cards, this is my answer to that. By playing Body, I can also play Arm + Leg and effectively have 3 Heartless cards on a World Card with a Dark Limit of 1. Very nice counter to what would otherwise be a very powerful tactic. I could have 3x if I wanted to, but I needed to slim my deck down a bit.

3x of Gigant Shadow -- Notice how with my Guard Armor I have 3 Dark/Heartless on one World Card? Well, with these guys I can have up to 6. Granted, these weak Heartless can be taken out by the Player Card without any outside help whatsoever, but that's still 5 attack value NOT being used on OTHER Dark Cards. A very nice thing to just throw down on the opponent's world card whenever it shows up in your hand.

1x of Jafar and 1x of Jafar Genie -- This combo is just too awesome to pass up. If I have both Jafar and Jafar Genie in my hand, and the opponent's world level is high enough, I can play Jafar on that World Card. When the opponent finally gets enough power to defeat Jafar in Battle, I can immediately play Jafar Genie from my hand and suddenly there's still another Dark Card to defeat. But wait! You can only have one battle per turn! So I guess that means... this delays the opponent for at least one more turn. Very nice indeed.

Darkside -- Gets rid of Moogles, and pretty much everything else that annoys me. Phils too, if the opponent plays them. I don't think I'll ever NOT run this card ever again.

Dragon Maleficent -- This is the single most important Dark card in this entire deck. This allows me to discard cards from my hand and, for each card I discard, the level of this card decreases by one. Add this to the effects of three Black Fungus, and I can essentially lower the level of this Card to 1, allowing me to play it no matter what. After it's in play, it goes back to being the highest level card in my deck, thereby allowing me to play any other card I choose into my Friend Area. However, once I get a Wizard into my Friend Area this card is no longer absolutely necessary, meaning that I can use it's 20 POW (or 10 Support Value) with impunity. Much MUCH better than doing it the way I was doing it before, where I would have to rise up through the ranks of heartless cards.

World Cards:

Every single one of these World Cards is a level 3 card. It's very interesting to note that although using level 3s is technically very risky, this deck tends to beat the other in a World Race the last few times I've tested them.

3x Hollow Bastion lvl 3 -- The -2 Attack Value isn't as big of a problem as one might think, but it does get in the way sometimes in the late game. For example, I can no longer defeat Pirates with my Player Card alone, so I have to have some back up.

2x End of the World lvl 3 -- This can be the best world card in the game if you use it right. It's a level 3 Card with all of the disadvantages of a level 1 Traverse Town... provided that it's not one of the first two world Cards you play. If you carelessly play it too early, your opponent can punish you with powerful heartless before you have the strength to fend them off. But just don't be careless and this card will suit you fine.

And those are my two decks. I might make a third deck: another Light deck that isn't so anti-dark but more anti-WR, if I can manage such a thing. Let me know what you think.

I really like the idea of a final fantasy themed deck, since that was what I was also planning on doing too XD and I also liked the fact you've explained the purpose of why those cards are in your deck. For both your light and dark deck, would they be considered Joat even if it's tend towards WR since you can also aggro? And those Stealth Sneaks, if you face them with either your light and dark deck would most likely give you a hard time but I don't think there's that many people who really use Stealth Sneaks but I'm probably sure I'm also wrong. Either way I like your decks! :D I'm also gonna post my idea of a FF deck too so look forward to it! lol

These were both Aggro Decks that were converted to WR decks because Heal spam was making the games last forever. I mean it, they simply would not end because you'd always gain more HP than you'd ever lose.

So in that respect, yes they are actually JoaT decks.

If I were to remake these two decks now, they'd probably look a lot different, but I was only making these two decks so that, if a friend came over and wanted to play, I'd have two decks that would do fairly against each other.

Thanks for your comments. :D