Objective Tokens: do they block movement/line of sight?

By The_Warlock, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

This is something I've looked for in the rulebooks, FAQs (official and BGG Wiki page), quest books and forums. I can't find any statement about this.cPerhaps this is written somewhere and I've just overlooked it.

The doubt stems from the fact that a figure must be adjacent to an Objective Token to interact with it (pick it up, make a skill test, etc...); it is never said that such things could be made while "on the Objective Token".

We had several situations during quests where moving through a space with an Objective Token would have mattered. LOS is of course less important in DE2, since you can trace LOS quite easily in most situations.

Does someone have an easy answer on this?

In the quest rules it should say whether the token blocks movement or LOS. If it's treated like a figure/hero/monster, for example (like most villagers) they would block movement/ LOS based on the rule for figures.

If the token is just a token and not treated as another kind of object, the default is for it to still be treated like an empty space (just like search tokens) and not blocking movement or LOS.

In the case of searching, it specifies that you can search "while adjacent to or in a space containing a search token." In cases where it just says "adjacent," you must be adjacent. A space is not adjacent to itself.

If you want a rule reference, check the book (I think it's page 9) and see the little box about empty spaces. A token by itself (unless otherwise specified) doesn't make a space non-empty.

Edited by Zaltyre
If you want a rule reference, check the book (I think it's page 9) and see the little box about empty spaces. A token by itself (unless otherwise specified) doesn't make a space non-empty.

Great, now I've found that box. This is perfectly applicable to all my doubts. Unless otherwise noted in the Quest Special Rules, Objectives do not block LOS and movement.

Now, I also know that I can place a Shadow Dragon just above a token (either Search or Objective) during quest setup, in order to prevent Heroes from sprinting in its direction without taking out the Dragon, or forcing me into non-optimal placement of monsters (e.g. make a wall with Dragons that will be easily weakened by a well-placed Blast attack)

Thank you for pointing this out.

Streamlined rules... still not everything is written where it's applicable.