Formation rules and RoF

By pearldrum1, in Only War Rules Questions

I am running Final Testament with my PbP group and decided to break the 20 Lootas the mission calls for during the dropship crash into 4 formations of 5 after getting some good feedback on how to handle the situation.

However, my question pertains to the Volley Fire ranged attack command and the fact that their deffguns rolled semi automatic attack of 3. Since Volley fire determines hits based on DoS and how many troops are within a formation, how does that stack with units that are firing anything other than a single shot? Does Volley Fire always assume that the units are firing a single shot each?

If I am not being clear enough, I am referring to the fact that a single unit firing a weapon with a RoF of S/3/6 on semi has the chance to hit a target 3 times based on DoS. However, if part of a formation with 2 other similar units, the chances to hit are based upon the volley fire attack rather than the weapon's RoF and drop significantly.

Perhaps the best solution would be to have the units in the formation fire individually but take damage as a formation?

The way that I and the other DM in my group run it under the assumption of Volley Fire alone, which is incredibly lethal in and of itself. We usually make up some story explanation like hitting the dirt to avoid most of the shots, or ducking into cover.

Even with single shots, a unit of 20 Orks -always- hit. And it hurts. Special weapons attatched to formations function as normal. Hence Lootas attached to shootas allow them to feel valid, give them a meatshield, and it reduces the level of pain somewhat.

Hope that helps.

Right, but this is four formations of 5 Lootas - and at least with their first round of volley fire they didn't do much. A formation of 20 lootas is an entirely different ballgame.

I went ahead for the next round and simply rolled all the shots of those with LoS. 3 structural damage to the Chimera at the end of it. Still weak, but again they rolled low on Deff gun damage.

Ah, well, against a Chimera that's entirely different lol. Against a vehicle I'd be quite happy to unleash concentrated death against it ^.-

In the end, go ahead and fudge it to suit the situation. Against a tank, I'd even be inclined to have one of the Lootas produce a Rokkit Launcha or a Beamy Deffgun (Lascannon). Depends entirely on how much of a threat you want them to be to your players.

Even then, five Lootas is +25 to their Ballistic Skill right there. Easily raises the potential for hits. I was just using the 20 Orks as an example I've seen.

Hell, I used Orks in such obscene numbers that my players go to ground on seeing them.

Always bring the right tools for the job, definitely. Maybe one of your Lootas could start digging through a bag looking for the Beamy Deffgun to "open dat kan"? Might give the players a scare and get their sharpshooters, if they have any, franticly trying to line up a shot.

Yeah that is a great idea. Since, I have just tasked them with all shooting individually - which was a pain in the ass, I may stick to that for now. If only for the sake of continuity.

Really, this is me playtesting all the rules and seeing what works.

My first campaign was much the same. I can empathise entirely.

I just started adding the rate of fire as bonus levels of success, it seemed the easiest way till I see an official rule

Edited by Brother Anselm

How has that worked out so far?

Let's say you score 3 DoS with a formation of 6 Ork Boyz Volley Fire. That is 3 hits normally. Where/How does your ruling come into play?

I simply add what ever the rate of fire is to the successes, so if its ROF 3 for example those three successes become 6. it seemed to work ok when I had a formation of traitor guardsmen face off against my pcs, no one complained it was over the top. I was able to spread hits around the group quite nicely.