The trend of Augmenticist practices within the sprawling hives of Lex Faveo, Sceleris and Vesuna Regis has grown more problematic over the last century. Curiously, while the nobles of our world have always been overly fond of augmentics and life-preserving juvenant treatments, the fastest growing Augmenticist cults are surprisingly burgeoning in the underhives. Each hive has its own circles of cyber-celebrants, technophiles, and sycophantic imitators, the now-recognized cult of 'Datans' has begin to reach the attention of the esteemed members of the Adeptus Terra here on Juno. Most rifled among their ranks are the eyes of the Adeptus Mechanicus who look down upon the 'uninitiated'. Thus it has fallen to me to compile this report on their behalf to determine their nature, and by de-facto, their fate to be judged by the Omnissiah's priests.
What I have discovered has been, I must admit, a surprising revelation. The members of this 'cult', which is in itself more akin to a social-group or clique between loosely affiliated cells across the world, hold to a few common tenants. The universal tenant these Augmenticist hold is as follow, 'Man is basically good, that he is seeking to survive, and that his survival depends on himself and his attainment of brotherhood with the Machine'. This particular observation would be praised by the Adeptus Mechanicus, were it not for the abhor able practices of these cultist. Rather than seek sanctioned and blessed cybernetics from deed and service to the Adeptus Mechanicus, these technophiles have resorted to an act rapidly growing in practice known as 'Flesh-Audits', where individual Datans will seek replacement for their limbs and organs to underhive shivers and unlicensed churigeons.
For what purpose these gifts of flesh are being gathered can only be guessed at - but certainly it is not for a good or just cause. What is known that the marks and models of the implants being gifted in return are of dubious quality and origin. While most appear to be functional, I've come to a conclusion based on my own personal observations; these augments are recycled servitor parts, and in some rare cases, heretical designs that match no known schematics blessed by the orthodoxy.
Edited by Cogniczar
The amount of detail that goes into your campaigns forever paint me with envy.
Scarus Sector (Updated)
Scarus Sector (Pre Green Kroosade)
The Laurentiis Scarification (Lost Sector of Segmentum Obscurus)
The Lilileathean Cascades (secret domain of the Eldar)
Where did you get the background for the documents, especially the paper documents?
Edit: Also many of your images are missing or have been removed. Is there somewhere else I can view your work?
Edited by manyallalukShould be fixed. ^^.
I just ripped images from pdfs, or had some sent to me from other gms. Pm an email and I'll send you a zip.
Where did you get the background for the documents, especially the paper documents?
Edit: Also many of your images are missing or have been removed. Is there somewhere else I can view your work?
If you go to dark Reign you will be able to find a few hand outs you can use and customize .
P.s , Mess you have way to much time on your hands mate
The amount of detail that goes into your campaigns forever paint me with envy.
You should see what he had for our Only war game we had designs for our uniforms and everything.
Where did you get the background for the documents, especially the paper documents?
Edit: Also many of your images are missing or have been removed. Is there somewhere else I can view your work?
If you go to dark Reign you will be able to find a few hand outs you can use and customize .
P.s , Mess you have way to much time on your hands mate
The amount of detail that goes into your campaigns forever paint me with envy.
You should see what he had for our Only war game we had designs for our uniforms and everything.
edit: wrong thread
Edited by Cogniczar
Amazing layout and contents - as always
Great work and inspiration. Look forward to seeing more.