The lonely mountain questions

By Dwarf king Bronze beard, in Rules questions & answers

So me and my friend played this quest today and we didn´t really know how these things should have been resolved.

So first question: while i try to travel Secret Entrance and revealed card is treachery, do i have to resolve it or just leave it top of the encounter deck and don´t resolve anything revealed effects of that card?

Then second question: When i have been completed stage 4 and quest deck is reseted to the 2b, do i have to immediatly resolve it´s forced effect to make the burgle test?


ffg_thieves-fire-murder-otd.jpg ffg_the-burglars-turn-otd.jpg

the answer to your first question is you must resolve all when revealed effects of the card because the travel effect uses the word 'reveal'.

and I am assuming you advaced from stage 4 while questing (not Legolas for example). When you move from one quest stage to another the game is 'paused' at the step you are on. and this FAQ comes into play:

FAQ (1.24): Questing Successfully
Questing successfully and the physical placement of progress tokens are two separate game occurrences that happen in sequence during the Quest Resolution step. As soon as the players determine that the total committed Willpower is greater than the total Threat in the staging area, they are considered to have quested successfully. Any Forced or passive effects initiated by questing successfully resolve before physically placing progress tokens.
so once you place the progress tokens on 4 you trigger that forced effect and you advance the quest to stage 2. Even though you are still in the quest phase you have passed the window for any 'quested succefully' forced effects to happen.
here is a breakdown:
1: compare threat and willpower
2: more willpower, therefore successful quest
3: Forced or passive effects initiated by questing successfully resolve
4: physically place progress token
5: Stage 4 forced effect triggers
6: advance to stage 2
hope that helps,

Thanks for help chadgar ;)