Scelerian Whisper (Creature)

By Cogniczar, in Dark Heresy House Rules


Extract from above, for readability:

"The 'Whispers' of Hive Sceleris are an interesting permutation of indeginious bioforms that reside in the deeps of the underhive. Aggressive carnivores with voracious appetites, their ability to rend flesh from their victims in a matter of moments is legendary. Were it not for their particularly timorous nature they would prove a high risk to the denizens of the hive as a whole. Squimesh to loud bangs, these lethal creatures are sooner to flee than to attack with just a clap against the metal walls of their hive.

While most within the hive are aware of this trick, few off-wordlers are. Those unfortunate to find themselves in the underhive have often met a grim end simply by lacking the rundimentary knowledge the locals possess. Be warned my friend, these insidious creatures are attracted to bright lights and will converge upon wayward travellers who must use illumen globes or flash sticks while traversing the lower levels of Sceleris.

Take my heedance, and remember to bang the walls as often as you can remember. It will save yourself the trouble of having to deal with these foul little blighters. And I much prefer to see you again after your foray into the underhive. "

- Unknown corrospondance.

Scelerian Whisper

Denizens of Hive Sceleris (Juno, Askellon Sector), these indeginious bio-forms are remarkably lethal for their size. Residing in the dark deeps of the underhives in moist environments, these carnivorous scavengers are easily driven away with loud noises, a trick the locals are careful to practice while traversing the dangerous hive corridors. Off-worlders who seek to plunder the deeps often fall prey to these verminous creatures due to attracting them with their illumen globes and blundering into their habitats accidentally.

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP FEl Infl

35 25 30 30 42 25 40 32 - -

Movement: 4/8/12/24

Wounds: 5

Skills: Dodge (Ag) +20, Athletics +10, Awareness +10

Talents: Resistance (Poison)

Armor: Tough Hide (1 All)

Traits: Amphibious, Bestial, Darksight, Deadly Natural Weapons (Razor Sharp Claws & Fangs), Unnatural Senses (Hearing), Size (3)

Rend Flesh from Bone: The Scelerian Whisper has an incredibly strong set of razor sharp fangs. Renown for their ability to strip flesh from bone in a matter of moments, they are the underhive piranhas of Hive Sceleris. It uses the profile below:

Razor sharp teeth (2d10 R; Pen 0; Deadly Natural Weapon)

Sensitive to Noise: Scelerian Whispers have finely tuned hearing to track their prey in the gloom of the deep underhive. While dangerous creautres in their own right, they are easily driven off by loud noises, such as firing a gun or clapping the metal walls of the hive itself. When frightened, the Scelerian Whisper must make a Hard (-20) Fear Test or scamper or swim away. Note: Scelerian Whispers seem less susceptible to this effect while under water and in their prefered environment, and thus the Fear Test caused by loud noises is reduced in difficulty to Challenging (+0)

Attracted to Light: Scelerian Whispers are highly attracted to sources of light - torches, illumen globes, or any other source of light. Only low-yield sources of light escape their attention at distance. If there are Scelerian Whispers within 50 meters of a source of light, they will instinctively charge and attack the source of the light - and any unfortunate to bear it.

Edited by Cogniczar

This was a unique creature I made for my inaugural DIY campaign for Dark Heresy 2nd edition. The encounter set up was simple - The party consisting of 5 hired muscle (to a currently IC unbeknownst Explicator-Invesitigator) began a trek down into the underhives of Sceleris to dig up information on their target. Having essentially kidnapped an unwilling hiver to escort them into the depths, the itinerate reclaimator they captured took them down abandoned and disrepaired service corridors - some of which were partially submerged in refuse water.

In the interim between the journey towards their destination they come across a small section they must swim through to get to the other side of the corridor where, fearing swim twists, only a single player was willing to follow their guide through the deep. After having been talking for some time (and having been warned of the 'Whispers'), the party promptly forgot his warning. As the creature was lured out towards the guide and the player, combat ensued to deadly effect. Unable to strike the creature adequetly underwater and in the darkness, the 'Whisper' was able to tear into the player with viscious effect - effectively shredding his left arm and dropping him into a stunned state - which prompted suffocation and panic. Fearing for their comrade after a psyker used Telepathic means to scan his comrades mind, the rest of the party suddenly got over their fear and began to follow.

To my surprise, most of my party had agility values in the 20's range, meaning their pursuit was slow to catch up!

Eventually, using an Optic Mechandendrite the tech priest was able to lure the creature away from delivering the lethal blow to the player, and they were able to dispatch it once it got in range of the full party.

Later on and at the close of the session, the itinerate guide returned with a glow stick, much to the parties surprise. He then began to chuckle and muttered, 'Those whispers, ya' gotta 'member to bang the walls and fire off 'round or two to keep away' before he began to walk back into the dark...

Any way you'd be willing to copy the description script into a normal format? I find it difficult to read.

One question to Attracted to Light: would a Whisperer charge a harmful light source too? Like the fire created by an incendiary grenade/flamer.

Also, I think this creature should have Awareness and Athletics too at +20, and 8 wounds are a lot for such a puny thing.

Otherwise, cool idea for an annoying critter!

Edited by AtoMaki

Thanks for the input AtoMaki.

I would imagine these creatures to be dumb enough to attack fire - their natural environment is sparse on fire, so they wouldn't necessarily know the difference at first. Surely though, after realizing it bites back, they'd probably back away!

As for the suggestions, I think your right. 8 wounds might be much. Probably closer to 4-6 each instead should suffice. He packs a punch, but he's easy to dispatch - if you can hit him. The greatest problem the party had while attacking this guy was, while being in the dark was the -20 penalty to ballistics, plus the penalty for size. Not to mention once they did encounter him, they were underwater for a further ballistic/melee reduction!

ThenDoctor, standby, I have to rewrite what I wrote, so it'll take me a few moments. I'll edit it in the first post when done.

Edit: Done, posted the changes above! =D

Edited by Cogniczar

Oh and to be clear this was the first session.

(Says the near death PC)