So I want to write an article on tri-symbol...

By Homme Chapeau, in UFS General Discussion

My akuma deck has a lot of the time run mutiple turns off the void symbol including at can nats

Smazzurco said:

tri symbol victor is doable...

I ran tri-symbol Victor at worlds and I still have a version build and think he is viable. With reanimated he makes it pretty easy, also chaos/order/and death have some pretty good overlap

tri symbol decks do work well the build should just be mostly cards that have 2 of your characters symbol and roughly 8 - 10 infinity cards

I made it to 2nd at the Rochester regional with a tri-symbol Nagase. She's wicked sick

I think I'm a weird anomoly when it comes to symbol use.

When I first started out I would almost always tri, or at the very least dual, symbol. Recently, most of my decks have turned to one symbol, or very light dual symbol splash...

I'm not entirely sure why, but I think what it is - is that when I first started out I wasn't well enough equipped to find answers in a single symbol, whereas now I can think outside of the box and force single symbol cards to do what I used to have to dip into a second or third symbol to do...

- dut