
By Envoyofduels, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

Coming back to the game and have some quick questions.

What are some staples?

Staples for certain factions?

Core Set cards I may want more of that only come in ones or twos?

Thank you

Staples are a slippery question. For any common card you might name you can't swing a dead cat without hitting good decks that disprove them.

Unquestionably your first purchase should be a second core set.

Shaper: Clone Chip, Diesel, Test Run, The Maker's Eye
Criminal: Desperado, Account Siphon, Legwork
Anarch: Parasite, Datasucker, Medium

Neutral: Sure Gamble, Same Old Thing, Dirty Laundry

NBN: Jackson Howard, Astroscript Pilot Program, SanSan City Grid

HB: Biotic Labor, Ash, NEXT ice

Weyland: Hive, Scorched Earth, GRNDL Refinery
Jinteki: Snare, Shock, Ronin, Neural EMP