Morality in the GM chapter

By Jegergryte, in Proofreading Changes

So, I might be misunderstanding what it says, but on page 219 second column, second paragraph: "A starting character might begin the game on the brink of falling [to the dark side], in exchange for both XP and starting credit bonuses ... the GM and player collaborate to define how the character might have used the dark side to earn extra XP and credits." This seems to contradict what is stated on page 34 where the player chooses between extra starting credits, XP, a combination of the two OR a higher or lower morality without extra cash or XP.

That's probably old information from earlier drafts. I think the general consensus has been to ignore it, and odds are it'll be addressed in the final version when it's released next year.

Well, yes. Whether or not they knew (they know now at least), I thought it was important to point out this inconsistency. As this is the proofreading forum. ;)

Yeah, an oversight is still an oversight, even of we know at this moment what it means. Especially now that you can start having fallen to the Dark Side, not just on the brink. Think about the person buying this in a year, with no knowledge of the beta, reading this and getting confused.