Hi there everyone - just wanted to see if my interpretation of making a deal in Cosmic Encounter when both players play a Negotiate card in an Encounter is correct.
Here's the rule as I've recompiled it from with the FAQ - the parts in italics I've inferred from reading around the forum and previous editions of the rules.
Situation C. If Both Players Reveal Negotiate Cards
An attempt is made to reach a deal. Attacks have been put aside in favor of diplomacy. All allies on both sides return their ships to any of their colonies. They get nothing. The main players have one minute to make a deal. At this point, they can negotiate a mutually agreeable deal or play hardball and try to negotiate a sweet deal their opponent can’t refuse. The negotiating players should be careful, however, since failing to make a deal sends three of their ships to the warp each.
In a deal, a player may:
1. Trade cards and/or allow her opponent to establish one colony on any one planet where the player already has a colony. In this way each main player may gain a new colony and/or new cards. Any of a player’s ships that are not in the warp can be used to establish this colony. In addition, deals can include promises to perform any action that a player can normally perform. These promises are not binding; you can refuse to perform the action. The only binding parts of a deal are: the establishment of a colony, the number of cards to be traded, the type of cards to be traded, and, if specified, a specific card.
In all deals, at least one player must receive a colony and/or a card beyond the promise to perform an action for the deal to be successful. The deal need not be equitable; one player could gain nothing. Any ships remaining in the hyperspace gate after the deal is made return to any of the offense’s colonies. Allies are never included in a deal. If a player is unable to deliver on the binding terms of a deal then the deal fails. Any ships lost due to a deal failing must first come from any colonies that were established during the deal. Any ships remaining on colonies established during a failed deal are then returned to any of that players' remaining colonies.