
By Dylanbrooks, in Odds & Ends

SO who has been watching E3 this year?

Nintendo's Conference just ended and I am just amazed!

Anyone else?

I've watched it all, it looks promising, but I was highly dissapointed with the little attention KH 358/2 Days was given.

TheChampIsHere said:

I've watched it all, it looks promising, but I was highly dissapointed with the little attention KH 358/2 Days was given.

I don't see why you'd be expecting much. It's a DS game that's only seriously being looked forward to by the KH fanbase, and it's already been released. It's nothing special really =/

Though the Microsoft =/= Nintendo metaphorical kick to the teeth highly amused me.

I already have it, but I am a KH fan, so if you don't want it, thats your problem. Not too mention it sold amazing in Japan, and has amazing ratings everyhwere. So Troathel, why would I look foward too a great, portable, multi-player, high rated game? I don't know...

You misunderstand me, good sir, I did not mean "Do not look forward to 358/2", I meant "Don't expect E3 to cover it". My apologies for not wording myself better.

Sorry for getting so mad too, I had a lot of homework too.

TheChampIsHere said:

I already have it, but I am a KH fan, so if you don't want it, thats your problem. Not too mention it sold amazing in Japan, and has amazing ratings everyhwere. So Troathel, why would I look foward too a great, portable, multi-player, high rated game? I don't know...

Where did you get it?! OMG

...I got it online. The Japanese one is the one I have, not the English one which doesn't come out until September 29.

TheChampIsHere said:

...I got it online. The Japanese one is the one I have, not the English one which doesn't come out until September 29.

Awww. Well, how much did you get it for?

demonofturks said:

TheChampIsHere said:

...I got it online. The Japanese one is the one I have, not the English one which doesn't come out until September 29.

Awww. Well, how much did you get it for?

Mine was $80.

Mine was $70, so that is most likely the price you'll be looking for. It is definitely worth it from my standpoint, even though I can't read it. I reccommend it, but it's up too you if you want to spend that much for it or not.