The Supplier + Resources that say "When your turn begins..."

By Wh0isTh3D0ct0r, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

When you have more than one card in play that says, "When your turn begins..." you get to pick the order of the card resolution, but they all resolve their abilities (with the ones that say "may" being optional, of course).

Okay, so here's my specific question: resources like Wyldside, Hard at Work, and Starlight Crusade Funding say, "When your turn begins...lose [one click]".

So, what happens if you use The Supplier at the beginning of your turn to install a card like Wyldside, Hard at Work, or Starlight Crusade Funding, which also trigger their abilities "When your turn begins..."? Wouldn't the loss of a click from one of those cards still apply on that same turn, since all of this would be taking place when the turn begins?

A similar question can be applied to the following cards:

Activist Support

Aesop's Pawnshop

Daily Casts

Joshua B.


Security Testing

Underworld Contact

Woman in the Red Dress

"When your turn begins" isn't a timing window so much as it is a line that you cross.

When your turn begins, all your active cards go "ding," and then you resolve them in the order you choose. Anything that was inactive--on Supplier or Personal Workshop--when the bell rang doesn't go off. Since Starlight is a constant effect, for that turn you'd have its benefit without its cost.

"When your turn begins" isn't a timing window so much as it is a line that you cross.

When your turn begins, all your active cards go "ding," and then you resolve them in the order you choose. Anything that was inactive--on Supplier or Personal Workshop--when the bell rang doesn't go off. Since Starlight is a constant effect, for that turn you'd have its benefit without its cost.

Isn't Step 1.2 of the Runner's turn considered a timing window? There is no breakdown of that step to differentiate when exactly during "Turn Begins" the triggering conditions are met.

While it is a timing window (in which the "when turn begins triggers are met"), as Grimwalker says it is on entry to that step that triggers those effects. When step 1.2 comes around all "turn begins" triggers activate and the runner chooses if (for their own) and in which order. Should another "when your turn begins" card be brought into play because of one of those triggers it will not itself be activate because it wasn't around when the initial trigger condition was met.

To meet the condition you would have to have played the effect in the previous step (1.1)

There is somewhere an official ruling on this (it might be in the FAQ, I can't check right now). The example given is Parasite on Personal Workshop, which is very similar to the Supplier with say, Daily Casts.

The point is that the Parasite isn't present for the Start of Turn. This is actually an event, not a window, as Grim and Khouri pointed out. Anything installed when the event hits is triggered, but anything installed AS A RESULT of that trigger wasn't present to meet the trigger itself.

Okay. I guess that all makes sense. Thanks for clarifying. I could see that having become a minor problem in the middle of a tournament or something.

Well, there you go. The new FAQ clarified it definitively:

"The Runner cannot use any 'when your turn begins' abilities on cards that are installed by The Supplier until his next turn."

Edited by Wh0isTh3D0ct0r