When you have more than one card in play that says, "When your turn begins..." you get to pick the order of the card resolution, but they all resolve their abilities (with the ones that say "may" being optional, of course).
Okay, so here's my specific question: resources like Wyldside, Hard at Work, and Starlight Crusade Funding say, "When your turn begins...lose [one click]".
So, what happens if you use The Supplier at the beginning of your turn to install a card like Wyldside, Hard at Work, or Starlight Crusade Funding, which also trigger their abilities "When your turn begins..."? Wouldn't the loss of a click from one of those cards still apply on that same turn, since all of this would be taking place when the turn begins?
A similar question can be applied to the following cards:
Activist Support
Aesop's Pawnshop
Daily Casts
Joshua B.
Security Testing
Underworld Contact
Woman in the Red Dress