Hey folks,
played quite a lot of this game in the last months - been through all the quests from the core set and the first cycle - and after sufference and despair I know have two decks working quite good. Still, there are a couple of points in the rules I hope you could help me clarify:
- shadow cards and attack cancellers. Let's say I have a Hill Troll coming. Phase 6: I deal every engaged enemy a Shadow Card (as long as I have cards in the quest deck). Then there's a short Action step I use to play Feint on the Hill Troll. Feint cancels the Troll's attack for that round, so should I still check for Shadow Effects on the Shadow Card or is the card discarded without looking at it? Same doubt for a previously engaged enemy that now has a Forest Snare trapping him.
- questing: as soon as a quest stage is passed, the following one is immediately revealed and, if there are some instruction to follow "when revealed", they are immediately followed. Does this imply that heroes are still committed to the quest? So that, if a quest stage instructs to reveal cards from the deck and add them to the staging area and I have Thalin committed to the quest, new enemies are wounded?
Thanks for help