Thanks for the reply. I think it's better because if you cancel a success in a pool that hits by one success you negate the entire hit.
In my experience, very few shots are barely successes like this. But then a "shot" in the terms of this game is actually the cumulative effect of potentially multiple blasts over a minute-scale period of time.
So, with the narrative aspect to combat, I think you need to get away from thinking about reflecting or negating an entire "hit", because it may be just one roll but it is almost never actually just one blast.
My experience has been much the same, with only rarely does the attacker only succeed by a single success. I'd say that about 90% of the time, the attacker has two or more successes.
And you've got a good point in that combat rounds in this system aren't the "handful of seconds" that most tactical-based RPGs use, with FFG having suggested a default of about a minute in the Combat chapter of each rulebook.