Specifically I'm looking at Bind, Harm, and Unleash, since these are the three powers that specifically harm the targets.
They have Magnitude upgrades that increase the number of targets.
It reads as though, when you hit one target and spend a FP on Magnitude, you deal the damage to all targets.
Bind Mastery causes a Critical Injury if Dark pips are used. The text in the tree indicates this affects one target, but the long text in the upgrade description has no such language. Normally I consider the long text to be definitive and the tree text to be indicative, but this case may be otherwise.
Harm has a Control Upgrade that works similarly, though it calls for a Medicine vs. Resilience check and uses Advantage to score a critical. It specifies this is against a single target in both the tree and long text. So we're good here, and I'm inclined to believe the tree text for Bind Mastery is the intended mechanism.
But Unleash seems to be its own animal. Unlike the other two, the base combat ability is an Average (2) Discipline check as though it were a ranged attack. I assume this attack will be upgraded and modified by circumstance and talents as any Ranged attack would (cover, concealment, Sense Control upgrades, defenses, etc.). However, it is unclear to me what happens on a hit on multiple targets, and especially if that hit crits. My first reaction is that the most difficult target is the one rolled against, and every affected target takes the same amount of damage. If so, does that mean that any critical also affects all targets? If not, does that mean that each target may be crit upon by spending the requisite Advantage or Triumphs? Or is it like the previous two powers, and only the original target may suffer a Critical Injury?
These are different from Autofire, Two-Weapon Fighting, or Linked, which allow multiple hits on a single target. I'm not really sure how to handle it.