Question regarding the enhance jumping power. Do you only move to within short range of the target for the action/maneuver or can you jump to engaged? If you can't jump to engaged then you would only be able to attack the same turn by using 1 of the 2 talents above correct? Aaand, would missing with the move closer/swoop action count to trigger other talent effects that require a missed lightsaber strike?
Edited by yugwen18Enhance w/hawkbat swoop, move closer (niman)
With Enhance, you could probably move to Engaged with the target. It's not spelled out in the rules, but I can't see a GM having a problem with allowing that, since without a specific Control Upgrade you'd have to spend your Action to make the Force leap.
If the GM does decide to go with a strict reading of how Force leap works, then you would need to use Hawk Bat Swoop in order to "leap" from Short Range to Engaged and still be able to make an attack.
I would say "no" on failing with Move Closer or Hawk Bat Swooo triggering the other. Each of those talents requires an Action to use, and PCs only get a single Action on their turn. So if you opt to use Move Closer and fail, you've spent your Action and can't turn around and spend a second Action to try using Hawk Bat Swoop instead.
Perfect, thanks!
The Control upgrade reads : " Take a Force leap action ; make an Enhance power check. The user may spend Force Pip to jump horizontally to any location in short range ."
If you jump to something in short range, it means that it starts in short range, and you jump to it... meaning you get engaged. It would be meaningless to jump from short range to short range of something.
The way I see it, with the basic control upgrade, Force leap allows you to cover one move manoeuver, with the Range upgrade, you can travel 2 move manoeuvers. So with the Range upgrade, you could jump from extreme to long, or jump from long to medium or jump from medium/short to engaged.
Also, you can't spend multiple Force Pip to fuel the range upgrade, so even with 3 Force Pip (1 fueling the basic control power, 1 fueling the range upgrade), you couldn't spend another to fuel another range upgrade, allowing you to jump 3 move manoeuvers.
Hope it helps.
Yes, that's another way to view it...treating it like Move in that respect...and with the final right hand upgrade making it a maneuver instead of an action....just trying to find ways to close distance and still have an action left to use. In my group we had a melee character earlier and he just couldn't close distance to be very effective in many situations. The only other way would be to use athletics actions and hope to cover 3 range bands with uncanceled 4 successes and 2 advantages...seems the limit is moving from medium to engaged unless using force talents:
Use Force Leap to move from long-medium, use additional maneuver to go from medium-short then hawkbat swoop to engage. I see the main benefit of Draw Closer is that you can eventually get many force pips to pull forward...would you need extra pips to draw at the larger range bands or is it just 1 for 1 regardless of distance? Or does the lightsaber strike have to hit for it to be used?
Edited by yugwen18
If you read the power's description, you'll have your answer.
It states : "Perform Draw Closer action, make a Lightsaber (Willpopwer) combat check against one silhouette 1 target within medium range, adding WHITE no greater than Force rating to check. Spend PIP to move target one range band closer, or to add SUCCESS to check.
So if you use Force Jump (with Manoeuver upgrade) to move from Long to Medium, and then roll Draw Closer to bring the target to you, you'll need 1 PIP to pull it from Medium to Short, and 1 PIP to pull it from Short to Engaged, for a total of 2 PIP.
Also... for you Ataru Striker jedi... you want to always use Saber Swarm manoeuver with Hawk Bat Swoop action....
Got it, should be getting my copy of the beta today so I havn't been working with full definitions. I'll present this info to my player to see if that helps a decision.