I dont know if someone has asked this before, i try to search it in all this posts, but are more than 5 pages to read each post..........so i ask it (again?)
"What if a location (any kind) is removed by an effect, but there is a investigator in that place? does he/she dies? or just return the marker to your card?
That´s all.
Hello from Peru.
JUST one question......for now............
The investigator is returned to the Entrance sheet / whatever substitutes the Entrance in Unseen Forces, if you're playing with that expansion.
Hope this helps
You truly NEVER sleep, do you?
LOL. Actually, I still have to answer your latest email. Upsie...
Yep that helps. And one more, if the clocks hit 12, and i have in a mythos card a "at midnight eff" and on the locations i also have "midnights". So, who goes first?
As far i read the revised manual, and as far i get the point, first goes the locations and then the Mythos card.
Example: Mythos says "at mid appear 2 monsters"
Location says: "at mid this thing happens for each monster in play"
So i asume, first is the location, then the Mythos. (as i understand in the rulebook)
The wording on the rulebook is not so clear, I'm afraid. Pag 15 states " also resolve the At Midnight effect on Mythos cards", not " then resolve..."
Additionally, even if there's a tacit agreement on "in case of events happenings at the same time, first player decides", this was never codified in the rules.
So, you have a little freedom here. Still, I'd play the way you suggested: since the At Midnight on the Mythos is the climax of the day, then you resolve first the effects on the Adventures, and then the one on the Mythos.
It's just my reading, tho.
Edited by Julia
The way i see it, is becouse the location cards are almost in play always for many 3 hours, so they have a priority to be resolved first, and then the Mythos, becouse it chains to reveal a new Mythos card.
And also if i or the group agredes, everybody will preffer to actívate the location "midnights" first. (unless cultist are playig the game of course)