Looking for a New Game

By CanadianCole, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Have an affinity for games, love playing them with a group of friends as nerdy as I am :P

Big fan of Descent and Dragon Strike, and I own other games like "Munchkin" "Zombies" and "WoW the Board Game"

Looking for more games I can enjoy with the same group of friends....any suggestions?

Another Question:

I only own the main Descent board game, are the expansions worth picking up..and if so, do they have to be picked up in any particular order?

CanadianCole said:

Another Question:

I only own the main Descent board game, are the expansions worth picking up..and if so, do they have to be picked up in any particular order?

Each expansion add more depth, more heroes, more skills, more equipment, more monsters, and treachery to the game. Treachery really makes OL play a lot more interesting and customizable. For the heroes, i have no idea what we did without the ring of protection.

As far as order, I think WoD or AoD should be first, since they have the main treachery and such. WoD quests are just brutal, though. ToI is great for giving a little balance back to the heroes, so I would go for that one next.

I would probably try RTL last because:

a)it's hard to go back to 'vanilla' after you've tried rtl and

b)RTL is a richer experience with all of the expansions, skills, items, etc.

As to other games, I'm afraid I don't know enough to make suggestions there.

All fun games:



Dominion (card game, non collectable)

For something lighter, I suggest Settlers of Catan, Carcassone and Lost Cities (a great two player card game)

If you are particular to co-op or semi co-op games, then games like:

Battlestar Galactica

Arkham Horror

Shadows over Camelot

Last Night on Earth

are all good games in my opinion.

CanadianCole said:

Another Question:

I only own the main Descent board game, are the expansions worth picking up..and if so, do they have to be picked up in any particular order?

The proper order to pick up the Descent expansions is all at the same time.

Possibly we could offer more specific advice if you could explain what aspects of the games you own really appeal to you.

Advanced Civilization? Seven Ages? gran_risa.gif

Lord Foul said:

Possibly we could offer more specific advice if you could explain what aspects of the games you own really appeal to you.

My friends and I enjoy games where the players have to develop themselves up and fight enemies that follows a basic story line. They are particularily fond of the game if it has a board and miniatures, because they have crappy imaginations lol.

I'm already convinced I should purchase the Descent Expansions, but having more games to play and more options [maybe one that doesn't take 5 hours like descent does for quicker games]

A game where the players have to compete is fine with my friends, but they more enjoy games where the "heros" work together toward a common goal. They are very roleplaying game fans, so any suggestions would be great.

I would suggest the WoW Board Game. The character customization is amazing and it is team vs. team. Of course, it takes forever as well, so maybe not.

Maybe keep an eye on Middle Earth Quest coming out later this year (hopefully)...

CanadianCole said:

My friends and I enjoy games where the players have to develop themselves up and fight enemies that follows a basic story line. They are particularily fond of the game if it has a board and miniatures, because they have crappy imaginations lol.

I'm already convinced I should purchase the Descent Expansions, but having more games to play and more options [maybe one that doesn't take 5 hours like descent does for quicker games]

A game where the players have to compete is fine with my friends, but they more enjoy games where the "heros" work together toward a common goal. They are very roleplaying game fans, so any suggestions would be great.

In my early days, I used to play a lot Advanced Heroquest, but they don't sell it anymore. If you can grab a copy on ebay or a store that sells second hand games, go for it. (not the very first Heroquest or Warhammer Quest which I never tried).

Advanced Heroquest is typical dungeon delving adventures, but with more randomness (even the dungeon is built randomly as you go, map piece by map piece) and the heroes can evolve in time. If a hero dies, he stays dead. You choose a race and a class and wizards have spells they can learn.

Ezhaeu said:

CanadianCole said:

My friends and I enjoy games where the players have to develop themselves up and fight enemies that follows a basic story line. They are particularily fond of the game if it has a board and miniatures, because they have crappy imaginations lol.

I'm already convinced I should purchase the Descent Expansions, but having more games to play and more options [maybe one that doesn't take 5 hours like descent does for quicker games]

A game where the players have to compete is fine with my friends, but they more enjoy games where the "heros" work together toward a common goal. They are very roleplaying game fans, so any suggestions would be great.

In my early days, I used to play a lot Advanced Heroquest, but they don't sell it anymore. If you can grab a copy on ebay or a store that sells second hand games, go for it. (not the very first Heroquest or Warhammer Quest which I never tried).

Advanced Heroquest is typical dungeon delving adventures, but with more randomness (even the dungeon is built randomly as you go, map piece by map piece) and the heroes can evolve in time. If a hero dies, he stays dead. You choose a race and a class and wizards have spells they can learn.

Advanced Heroquest was the precursor to Warhammer Quest, which was **** near perfect. I saw a set on Ebay that was missing most of it's figures going for $185., and I have to say, if I didn't have the rules and board pieces I would pay $185 to own them again as well. The big advantage is no gm/dm/ol type player is required. Perfectly coop, easy randomization of everything, and really really fun on levels 1 - 6 or so. The game slows down a lot up to level 9 or so because you have these huge hordes of monsters to roll up and track all their weapons and whatnot. But 9th and 10th levels (which take a loooong time to get to) are much more fun because a lot of the bad guys are the biggest guys in the old Warhammer universe, and much easier to track (though very hard to kill).

Anyway, if money is no object, Warhammer Quest gets my vote.

To stay in the FFG world, there is also Runebound, it is an above the ground game that uses the same characters as Descent, plus it has a multitude of expansions. Doom is similar to D:JitD but is set in the computer game world, it has a strong following (I think) but to make the game better you should have the expansion (which I don't).

I am a big fan of Advanced HeroQuest (I ran it in the 90s) but I find it is a little more fiddly. You can also combine it with Heroquest and make a different game. There are lots of additional adventures online for it as well. If you like rats, AHQ is also great...

Hmmm, any other games I could suggest?

one thing not said by anyone else

as you was looking at how long games take to play the road to legend exp for desent ,dungeons are smaller and quicker,making it easier to pack up,and the is a referance sheet you fill out for when you come back the game,the is also storage boxes for the heroes and Ol counters in play.
