Lackey CCG Tutorial and Questions / Concerns

By Daisuke_Aurora, in Odds & Ends

If there is anyone who is having an issue, needs help with something, wants to know how to do something, or has any other questions about KH on LackeyCCG, post them here.

Getting LackeyCCG:

These are the steps to download, install, and open LackeyCCG on your computer.

1. Visit this link:

2. Right click on the zipped folder and select "Extract All."

3. Select "Next" and then select "Next" again. It should unzip into a folder in the same place the package was downloaded to. Then hit "Finish."

4. Open the folder that was made (It may have automatically opened when you hit Finish.) Run the LackeyCCG.exe file.

5. You may make shrotcuts to the .exe file by copying / pasting the file somewhere else.

Using LackeyCCG:

Setting up

Start by clicking the "Preferences" tab. Here, you can set up your Plugin, Player Profile, Appearance, Gameplay, Chat, Skins and Sounds.

-The Plugin tab is for changing what card game you are playing; If you're only using LackeyCCG for Kingdom Hearts, you shouldn't change anything here.
-The Player Profile tab lets you set a Name, E-mail, a Note that appears when someone clicks on your name, Your avatar, and your color (Don't really know what it means by color; either text or name color in the server / games.)
-The Appearance tab lets you set things like the Table Image, how things are displayed, and things like that. I recommend you set the "Opponents cards face you" options to ON as it makes playing easier.
-The Gameplay tab lets you assign hot-keys to the actions in the game, like drawing and rolling a die.
-The Chat tab allows you to change and edit the pre-typed messages hat can be used in chat. (You can type anything you want in chat, but having pre-made phrases for commonly used phrases in Kingdom Hearts may be faster than typing.)
-The Skins tab allows you to change the look of Lackey, either by loading pre-made "Skins" or by adjusting the colors of various thigns manually.
-The Sounds tab allows you to turn Sounds ON or OFF during gameplay.

Making a Deck

Once you've customized Lackey and your profile, you need to make a deck. Click on the Deck Editor tab at the top to go there.

-Cards are listed in alphabetical order, but you can arrange them by any of the factors the cards have (Support, Magic, Level, etc.) by clicking the name of that variable at the top of the list of cards.
-You can filter / search for cards by any regular information about the card (like Name, Set, type, Level, Etc.)
-Start by clicking the "Player: 0" Tab at the top and adding your player card. Find it and hit "+1" at the bottom.
-Click the "Deck: 0" tab to begin building a deck. Simply click the name of the card you want and hit "+1" to add one to the deck, or "-1" to remove one of it.
-When your deck is done, enter a name in the "Deck Name" box in the top right corner, and then hit "Save Deck." Then, you can hit "Load Deck to You" to begin with the deck you just built.
-You can also Edit the deck's info, such as author, title, notes, etc. as well as load old decks to edit and make brand new ones.

Playing the game

Once you've got your deck loaded, you can begin playing Kingdom Hearts. Here's how to get around in Lackey:

-The Area in the top left is the Viewer Area; It shows the last card you looked at so you can read what it is / does.
-The Area under that is the Player's Area; It shows the player's info, like their Avatar, Life totals, card counts for decks / hands etc.
-The Area below that is the Turn Area; It tells you the current turn, who's turn it is, and what phase it is. To be honest, you can usually skip this part if you're ussed to it, but it might help to track turns and phases to prevent confusion.
-The top center Area is the Table Area; This is where player cards and other in-play cards go.
-The Area below that is the Action Bar; This has the actions like Draw and Roll a Die that you use while playing.
-The area below that is the Player Bar; It holds tabs for each area of play (Hand, Discard, Deck, Removed, Player) and shows you the cards in the selected area. If the tab has a set of red dots on the left side of it, you can see that area. If there's dots on the right side, your opponent can see it.
-The Area below that is the Chat area; You can say whatever you want here, as well as track your opponents actions to make sure they're not cheating or you don't miss things.
-The right side Area is the Player Bar again, just sideways in case you like it better like that.

Okay, now onto the actions you need to be able to do to play:

By Right clicking in the Player's Area, you can bring up a menu like this:

Life: Set to X >
Life: Add X >
Life: Subtract X >
Edit Profile...
Load Recent Deck >
<Decks you've used recently will be listed here>
Add a Seat
Remove a Seat
Get out of Seat

These options are pretty self-explanatory. Altenatively, you can simply use the + and - buttons to change your life total.

Next is the Turn Area: These buttons should also be self-explanatory, and will probably never be used unless you choose to use them.

Next is the Table Area. By right clicking, you get this menu:

Roll D6
Next Turn
Flip Coin
Toggle Marking
Erase Marking
Draw X >
Roll X Dice >
Shuffle Zone.

Markings are not needed for KH, so ignore those two commands. Again, these actions will barely ever be used, as there is already buttons for drawing and rolling dice.

When you right click on a tab in the Player Bar area, you'll get a menu liek this:

Discard X at random >
Reveal to All >
None & Shuffle
Top >
Bottom >
Reveal to Owner >
None & Shuffle
Top >
Bottom >
Reveal to Others >
None & Shuffle
Top >
Bottom >

These actions are used a lot, for example random discard for Halloween town 3 or Wonderland 1, or Shuffling after searching. Examples of these actions bieng used are below.

Remember that cards can be dragged and dropped to and from any zone, and there is a "Turn left / right" function for sideways cards and an "Upside down" function for heartless on your opponents world (If they don't have the "Opponent cards face you" option on)

And with that, you should be able to play a game of Kingdom Hearts! Now, to play online:

Playing Online

To play online, click the "Server" tab, and select "Refresh Server List from Tracker." From there, you'll be able to see everyone who's online, and what game they are playing, as well as a list of current games on the left. From there, you can click and join a game, or start your own. To start your own, hit "Start game." You will need to turn the "Use proxy" function on before you can start a game.

Q & A

Using Jiminy Cricket

To use his effect, right click on the deck and select "Reveal to owner>top>3" and then arrange them as you wish.

Using Pluto / HT1

To use an effect to discard cards from the top of the deck, just click on the deck and click and drag the left-most card to your discard pile. You can see it in the discard pile to determine. For Pluto, use the "Reveal to owner>top>1" to see the card before choosing whether to discard it.

Using Aquatank / D. Islands / other Search cards

To use a search effect, right click on the deck and select "Reveal to owner>all" and find the card, then move it to the table to show your opponent. Right click the deck again and select "Reveal to all>none & shuffle" to re-conceal your deck and shuffle it.

Setting a Player card

To set your player card, in the deck editor, click on the "Player" tab next to the "Deck" tab and then select and add your player to that area. At the start of the match, take your player from the player area and place it on the table.

Using HT3 / Wonderland 1

For random discard from hand effects, simply right click your hand tab and select "discard X at random>1" to discard one card at random.

Using Chip & Dale

To use their effect or shuffle your discard into your deck for any reason, click the "Discard" tab and go to the end of the row, and select as much as you can and drag-and-drop it into the deck. When all of it is back, hit "Shuffle."

I think that covers most of the basic stuff, any more questions can be posted below.

Hey i download it and when i extract it say the file is unknow or crash, can you tell me what i have to do?, well thanks for the help~^

The Zip File is corrupt... Completely

egamer25 said:

The Zip File is corrupt... Completely

Why necro a thread to tell us that something we're not using doesn't work?


tried to download it and its says its broken.