This is going to be a bit oddball, but when assigning legacy weapons, we looked through the additional trats and stumbled over this:
This weapon is like an extension of its wielder’s body, channelling his strength into shattering blows, or splitting armour plates apart along invisible fault lines.
Melee: The weapon strikes with the Power Field Quality."
Now, this seems fairly clear, until you look at "power field" itself in the core rules:
"Power field:
A field of power flickers around weapons with this Quality,increasing its Damage and Penetration. Such modifiers are already included in the weapon’s profile."
When looking at the power weapons' stats, there seems to be no real common rule for by how much pen and damage increases, which poses a significant problem for anyone who wants to upgrade their legacy weapon with said quality.
My question here is:
Are there any errata or any rules from other FFG systems which stat out the exact increase in damage from power field?